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Metro Vancouver Receives Second Award for Excellence in Financial ReportingMetro Vancouver Receives Second Award for Excellence in Financial Reporting<div class="ExternalClass34013EECE36340FC81CD00095322754D"><p>​Metro Vancouver has received the <a href="">Canadian Award for Financial Reporting</a> from the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada, recognizing the strength of its <a href="/about/programs-budget/BudgetPublications/MVRD_2021_Annual_Financial_Report.pdf">2021 Annual Financial Report</a>.</p><p>"Reliability, sustainability, and fiscal transparency and responsibility are top of mind in all of Metro Vancouver's work to deliver vital services to the residents of this region. I am pleased that our efforts to tell our financial story have been validated by this esteemed association for the second year in a row," said George Harvie, chair of Metro Vancouver's Board of Directors.</p><p>The award recognizes Canadian local governments that go beyond the minimum requirements of generally accepted accounting principles to prepare annual financial reports in the spirit of transparency and full disclosure. Receiving the award is a significant accomplishment by a local government and its management.</p><p>"Metro Vancouver and its member jurisdictions are facing a difficult financial and economic forecast, which will require hard decisions by the Board so that we can continue to provide the services our residents depend on while managing the impact on ratepayers," said John McEwen, vice-chair of Metro Vancouver's Board of Directors. "How we communicate the work that we are doing on that front is key, and we look forward to building on the success highlighted by this award."</p><p>The Canadian Award for Financial Reporting program was established to encourage municipal governments throughout Canada to publish high-quality financial reports and to provide peer recognition and technical guidance for officials who prepare these reports. </p><p>Metro Vancouver's <a href="/about/programs-budget/BudgetPublications/MVRD_2021_Annual_Financial_Report.pdf">2021 annual report </a>was judged by impartial Canadian Review Committee members to meet the program's high standards, including demonstrating a constructive "spirit of full disclosure," clearly communicating the regional government's financial story and motivating others to read the report.</p><p>Reviewers provided technical guidance for future reports and commended Metro Vancouver for its effort to obtain the award and "once again producing a very good report" for its residents and other interested groups.<br></p></div>2/16/2023 8:00:00 AMMetro Vancouver Media

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