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Regional Cultural Project Grants

Congratulations to all ​2024 regional cultural project grant recipients.​

Sign up to Metro Vancouver's mailing list to receive the next call for applications for regional cultural grants in the spring of 2025.

​The regional cultural project grants support arts and culture organizations with creation, production, dissemination, audience development, research, project staff and/or administrative capacity building. Project grants are awarded to a maximum of $10,000 each.​​​



2024 Eligibility criteria2024 Eligibility criteria<div class="ExternalClassCF41C14CDCAA4CAD99249307D02DE845"><p>Grants are intended to support regional arts and culture projects, not ongoing operational/general expenses.</p><p>In order to qualify for a 2024 grant, the applicant must:</p><ul><li>​​​promote arts and culture as its primary purpose;</li><li>produce and present arts and culture on a regular basis within the Metro Vancouver region;</li><li>be a “stand-alone” and not merely part of an organization whose function or purpose extends beyond an arts and culture mandate;</li><li>be a non-profit society, registered under the BC Societies Act for at least two fiscal years (i.e. registered before April 2022);</li><li>demonstrate that it is a well-run organization with a well-defined arts and culture mandate, sound administration and solid business plan; and</li><li>​obtain funding from diverse sources.</li></ul><p>Project marketing timelines and project delivery must occur between September 1, 2024 and August 31, 2025. Pre-production planning and work may take place before September 2024.​<br></p><p>Organizations may only apply for one grant per year.​<br></p></div>
2024 Selection criteria2024 Selection criteria<div class="ExternalClassE4E888B7B69F44F0BED780FFB38AA689"><p>​The selection of 2024 projects was based on the following assessment criteria. The relative weight given to each criterion is indicated in brackets.</p><p> <b>Regional Impact (20%)</b></p><ul><li>​Significance of the project in its offering to the regional arts and culture landscape</li><li>Region-serving project that is presented beyond a single municipality</li></ul><p></p><p><strong>Merit (50%)</strong></p><ul><li>​Merit of the project, based on past excellence and proven ability of the applicant</li><li>Clearly communicated project goals and relevance to arts and culture in the region</li><li>Demonstrated support of the project (i.e. partnerships, collaborations, sponsorships or in-kind support, volunteers, etc.)<br></li><li>Marketing, promotion and/or outreach plan to encourage regional participation, awareness and engagement</li><li>Project delivery with resilience to reasonably adjust as necessary​<br></li></ul><p><strong>Budget Plan (30%)</strong></p><ul><li>​Clear and concise budget plan for reasonable use of grant funding</li><li>Other sources of realistic funding support identified and/or in place</li><li>Requested funds are specific to the proposed project, and are not intended for ongoing operational/general funding​<br><br></li></ul></div>
ConditionsConditions<div class="ExternalClass6FD0AF7FA96540C083F3BA4BB16AB6AB"><p>​Grant recipients must adhere to the following:</p><ul><li>​​Acknowledge the support of Metro Vancouver on all promotional materials related to the funded project.</li><li>Organizations making significant changes to the information provided in their application must discuss such changes with Metro Vancouver staff prior to implementation.</li><li>Grant recipients are required to <a href="/cultural-grants/Documents/regional-cultural-project-grants-reporting-evaluation-2024.pdf" target="_blank">complete a f​ollow-up report</a> for Metro Vancouver. Receipt of this report will be a precondition for consideration of the organization’s future grant applications.</li><li>​Information provided in this regional cultural project grant application may be subject to disclosure under the BC Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.​<br></li></ul></div>


Sarah Faucher
External Outreach Coordinator

  • 604-456-8828
  • ​​Email

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