Assessment of Carbon Capture Technology in the Metro Vancouver Region | | Assessment of Carbon Capture Technology in the Metro Vancouver Region | Alternative energy;Energy efficiency & planning;Energy & climate change | In Progress | | <div class="ExternalClass8D78D6C56DB84121BFA43FF491ACDD58"><p>This project aims to support early identification of the applicable technological approaches for capturing and removing carbon dioxide (CO2) from industrial flue gas streams in large industrial facilities in the Metro Vancouver region, and storing the collected CO2 in a way that prevents its release into the atmosphere.<br></p></div> | <div class="ExternalClass7975971B5A73428EA8D7048C7E571B18"><p>Completed in 2023, Phase 1 of the project included an evaluation of applicable technological approaches for capturing and removing carbon dioxide (CO2) from industrial flue gas streams in large industrial facilities that release over 50,000 tonnes of CO₂ per year in the Metro Vancouver region.</p><p>The study noted that a number of facilities in the Metro Vancouver region may be suitable for CO2 capture, and highlighted the need for further evaluation of site-specific factors, such as potential costs, availability of adequate space and utilities (e.g., energy source, water supply), and the ability to integrate with existing operations. Potential permanent geological CO2 storage options were identified and evaluated, including associated transportation options and any potential risks and benefits.</p><p>Building off this study, Metro Vancouver has initiated Phase 2 to complete an assessment of CO2 capture, transportation, utilization and storage options specific to the Waste-to-Energy Facility, and to determine requirements, costs and other conceptual design details (technology, space, energy, project delivery options, etc.) for capture of all greenhouse gas emissions from the facility. The project is anticipated to be completed by the end of 2024.
</p></div> | GP0|#47c7a6e8-44f6-4841-b2c6-9c97ca42d209;L0|#047c7a6e8-44f6-4841-b2c6-9c97ca42d209|Air Quality;GTSet|#ab8a80a3-ac09-4cde-99c1-454c04cb5931 | BC Lower Mainland | 2021 | | |