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AirCnC: Cool ‘n’ Clean Air Centres Cool ‘n’ Clean Air CentresEmergency management;Energy & climate changeDiscontinued<div class="ExternalClass07D501F8CEDC45C392E35F44217E2B00"><p>This project aimed to develop a guidance document for member jurisdictions to implement cool and clean air centres during extreme heat and wildfire events. After careful consideration of available research, resource capacity, and jurisdictional roles, staff decided to discontinue the AirCnC project as a Metro Vancouver-led initiative. Staff will seek opportunities to support other agencies to pursue the project’s objectives, while focusing on opportunities for cooling in residential buildings, together with measures to reduce building emissions.<br></p></div><div class="ExternalClass24F3DC115FDC4EAE9CCCAFE7EC95BE9C"><p>​​​Staff collaborated with a transdisciplinary cohort of PhD students at UBC to complete the first tasks for the project. They created a report on best practices and local needs for cool and clean air centres in Metro Vancouver, which has been shared with project partners and interested parties. The students were supported by UBC and subsequent tasks were developed internally. Accordingly, no SIF funds were used. The total funding amount, $200,000, will be returned to the Fund.<br></p></div>GP0|#47c7a6e8-44f6-4841-b2c6-9c97ca42d209;L0|#047c7a6e8-44f6-4841-b2c6-9c97ca42d209|Air Quality;GTSet|#ab8a80a3-ac09-4cde-99c1-454c04cb5931BC Lower Mainland2023

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