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10-year Salmon Enhancement Action Plan Salmon Enhancement Action PlanNature conservation & restorationIn Progress<div class="ExternalClass082D9A5FD6EC4541997678476899D6AE"><p>This project will develop a Metro Vancouver 10-year Salmon Enhancement Action Plan to coordinate and integrate corporate salmon enhancement activities to maximize salmon populations and increase salmon viability despite the impacts of development, climate change, and Metro Vancouver operations. This project includes First Nations participation from the start to shape the scope and direction of the 10-year action plan. Metro Vancouver member jurisdictions and salmon-focused agencies and organizations will also be engaged.<br></p></div><div class="ExternalClassB9139DBB9381484BA066D1A93F80A807"><p>​​Early conversations with First Nations are complete.​<br></p><p>Staff have updated the project scope and engagement plan to reflect First Nations inputs.</p><p>The procurement process is complete, and a consultant team has been engaged.</p><p>A workshop was held with Metro Vancouver staff to identify current salmon enhancement projects and the existing impacts of Metro Vancouver's assets and operations on salmon success. </p><p>The consultants have developed an ARC-GIS interactive map to compile and display information from workshop participants about existing projects and locations for new actions. Multiple participants can add locations and project information to the map at the same time, and information about several projects will be visible to users by clicking on the project location.</p><p>Additional workshops are planned for spring 2024 with First Nations and Metro Vancouver staff. </p><p>The engagements in spring 2024 will culminate in a final collaborative workshop with staff from Metro Vancouver, member jurisdictions, First Nations, and the broader salmon community all working together. The resulting information gathered about existing impacts on salmon and identifying actions to increase salmon viability will be used to generate the Action Plan.</p><p>The 10-year Salmon Enhancement Action Plan will include the assessment of current habitats, facilities, and salmon-related operations and facilities at Metro Vancouver, as well as identifying restoration opportunities at creeks and areas within the region. The 10-year Action Plan will include a framework and plan to take planned and opportunistic actions through coordination and integration internally and with partners. The plan will also include recommendations for monitoring and measuring the success of enhancement and restoration programs and for water quality monitoring to promote salmon habitats and population growth.</p><p>The project is expected to be completed in Q2 2025. </p></div>GP0|#a32072f3-3cb5-4837-85d6-14428be3d19c;L0|#0a32072f3-3cb5-4837-85d6-14428be3d19c|Water;GTSet|#ab8a80a3-ac09-4cde-99c1-454c04cb5931BC Lower Mainland2022

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