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Biorock: Innovative building material for shoreline protection, carbon sequestration & habitat creation Innovative building material for shoreline protection, carbon sequestration & habitat creationNature conservation & restoration;Energy & climate changeIn Progress<div class="ExternalClass4D6273412C3A4E84B0F4D097250F7B84"><p>​​Biorock uses electric currents and naturally occurring ingredients in sea water to accumulate concrete-like material on a submerged metal frame, constructing underwater marine structures that grow and strengthen over time.<br></p><p>​​The purpose of this project is to explore the feasibility of Biorock for shore protection and habitat creation near our coastal infrastructure. </p></div><div class="ExternalClassC365F2C161B940BCA38173CCBC922CC9"><p>A UBC Sustainability Scholar completed research on living breakwater design, aquatic species and habitat needs. The end product was a series of conceptual designs with various features for increasing ecosystem diversity, density and resilience when using Biorock in local waters, which will be used to inform the design of a Biorock pilot.</p><p>Procurement of consultants is in progress for two scopes, (i) coastal engineering for site assessment and preliminary structural design and (ii) electrical control design.</p><p>Next Steps:</p><p>Consultants will confirm the feasibility and complete the design of a Biorock pilot including a cost estimate. A positive assessment will result in submission of a separate Sustainability Innovation Fund application for fabrication, installation, and monitoring of a Biorock pilot to demonstrate its performance in local waters.​<br></p></div>GP0|#dc483649-e413-4696-af50-020fd4b8c1eb;L0|#0dc483649-e413-4696-af50-020fd4b8c1eb|Liquid Waste;GTSet|#ab8a80a3-ac09-4cde-99c1-454c04cb5931BC Lower Mainland2022

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