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Capilano Water Supply Area Infrastructure Upgrades




Capilano Water Supply Area Infrastructure UpgradesCapilano Water Supply Area Infrastructure Upgrades<div class="ExternalClassDFA8D14CB5304EF0910C303CD07CC0DB"><p>Metro Vancouver is upgrading drinking water infrastructure in the Metro Vancouver Water Supply Area near Capilano River Regional Park to ensure the continued delivery of high-quality​ drinking water to a growing region. Upgrades include a backup power system and improvements to the Capilano Water Supply Area security gatehouse. Additionally, the North Shore Rescue Society will be building a new command post and storage building. <br></p><p> These projects are scheduled to begin construction in fall 2022 and be completed by late 2025.<br></p><p> <i class="fa-light fa-file">​</i> ​<a href="/services/water/ConstructionDocuments/Fact-Sheet-Capilano-Water-Supply-Area-Infrastructure-Upgrades-November-2024.pdf" target="_blank">Capilano Water Supply Area Infrastructure Upgrade Fac​​t Sheet</a>.<br></p>​<br></div>District of North VancouverProject





Location of Capilano Water Supply Area Infrastructure Upgrades of Capilano Water Supply Area Infrastructure Upgrades



Project activitiesProject activities<div class="ExternalClassB4635DBA073C400190519B03F3FC6A8A"><p> <strong>Capilano Pump Station backup power system​​</strong></p><p>The new backup power system will be connected to the existing pump station to help deliver water to the Seymour-Capilano Filtration Plant in the event of a power outage. The structures and system will be designed to withstand an earthquake. Construction activities will include:</p><ul><li>Constructing an underground vault to securely store the fuel tanks that will provide energy to the new generators</li><li>Constructing a new building to house the new fuel-powered generators</li><li>Constructing a new storm sewer to facilitate water drainage</li><li>Connecting the backup power system to the pump station</li></ul> <br> <p> <strong>Intersection safety improvements​</strong></p><p>To improve safety in the area, Metro Vancouver will be redeveloping the intersection off Nancy Greene Way leading into its Works Area and the Capilano River Regional Park. Improvements will include:</p><ul><li>Redesigning the entranceway to increase visibility for vehicles entering ​the park</li><li>Constructing a safer pedestrian sidewalk</li></ul> <br> <p> <strong>Capilano Water Supply Area security gatehouse​​</strong></p><p>To replace an existing, aged gatehouse trailer, Metro Vancouver will be constructing a new permanent structure for Water Supply Area security staff. Activities related to this work will include:</p><ul><li>Removing some of the existing buildings from the site</li><li>Installing a temporary modular gatehouse, which will remain operational until the replacement is constructed</li><li>Building a replacement gatehouse and storage area</li></ul> <br> <p> <strong>North Shore Rescue building​</strong></p><p>To improve operational efficiency, North Shore Rescue Society will be constructing a new building to maintain their equipment and function as a command post.</p>​​<br></div>
Impacts and mitigationImpacts and mitigation<div class="ExternalClassF5166972741147B493B0528B7CC6B493"><p>​​​ Metro Vancouver is committed to minimizing construction impacts on the community. We will make sure that:</p><ul><li>Construction crews will do their best to reduce noise whenever practical</li><li>Any equipment not in use will be shut off to mitigate disruption and help control air pollution</li><li>Traffic management plan will be implemented once construction is underway</li><li>Access to residences and businesses will be maintained at all times</li><li>An environmental monitoring professional will be on site to monitor the work during construction, when necessary</li> </ul>​<br></div>
Work hoursWork hours<div class="ExternalClassDFC89AFB21F046E0A4E235DED8FCA110"><p>Typical hours of work are:</p><ul><li>Monday to Friday: 7:00 am to 8:00 pm.</li></ul><p>All work will comply with District of North Vancouver’s noise bylaw or granted bylaw variances if urgent, after hours work is required.</p>​​<br></div>
Working with the communityWorking with the community<div class="ExternalClassE1A83FD40B1C4715B392598BD6942A36"><p>Metro Vancouver is committed to being a good neighbour and will work diligently to mitigate project impacts and maintain open and ongoing communication about the project to residents. Local residents and businesses will receive ongoing notifications through newsletters, web updates, email, and on-site signage. Visitor access in the park will be maintained as much as possible, with some trail detours necessary to complete this work.</p><p>A community liaison is available to address any public questions or concerns.<br></p> ​​<br></div>
Project materialsProject materials<div class="ExternalClass7CCE87E19BF74CD6A0F1B79E9BF52665"><ul class="fa-ul"><li> <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i> </span>​<a href="/services/water/ConstructionDocuments/Fact-Sheet-Capilano-Water-Supply-Area-Infrastructure-Upgrades-November-2024.pdf" target="_blank">Fact Sheet - Capilano Water Supply Area Infrastructure Upgrades</a>​</li><li> <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-link"></i> </span>​​​<a href="/services/water/the-regional-system" target="_blank">Learn more about Metro Vancouver’s drinking water system</a><br></li></ul>​</div>



Spring 2018 – Spring 2022Spring 2018 – Spring 2022<div class="ExternalClassE97EBC381C804C9FAE895E8F263E0A78">Design​<br></div>0
Spring 2022 – Summer 2022Spring 2022 – Summer 2022<div class="ExternalClassC158652F7D2941CF829E04B8142A18F1">Site preparation and tree removal​​<br></div>0
Fall 2022Fall 2022<div class="ExternalClass53278DED9D3245B6A9C81F88C5B8B39F">Construction of North Shore Rescue Building​<br></div>0
Summer 2023Summer 2023<div class="ExternalClassCCCC07D082394F14B1B04AD83550C8FE">Construction of Capilano Pump Station backup power system​<br></div>1
Spring 2024 – Fall 2025Spring 2024 – Fall 2025<div class="ExternalClass3982F079216E4E8DAAEDB2FCB037A320">Construction of Capilano Water Supply Area security gatehouse​<br></div>1
Summer 2025Summer 2025<div class="ExternalClass01F2FB66700E41CCBDA1104470DC65E9">Improvements of intersection off Nancy Greene Way​<br></div>0

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Community liaison
Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 4:30 pm

  • Email
  • 604-432-6200​​​

After hours emergencies

  • 604-451-6610​​​​​​

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