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What We Do


Metro Vancouver is responsible for waste reduction and recycling planning, and operating a series of solid waste facilities that provide waste and recycling services that benefit all residents and businesses in the region. ​Guided by our commitment to environmental stewardship and cost effective, accessible waste management services, we focus on planning for less waste, improving reuse and recycling systems, and environmentally responsible management and disposal of waste that can’t be recycled. ​With a recycling rate of 65% – roughly twice the Canadian average – Metro Vancouver is a recycling leader in North America. Even so, we continue to strive towards a zero waste future, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and promote a circular economy.



Solid Waste Management Plan, Solid Waste Management Plan Solid Waste Management Plan

Waste reduction, diversion, and environmentally responsible management of the remaining waste is supported through:

  • Metro Vancouver’s recycling and waste centres that provide convenient garbage and recycling drop off options
  • Local educational programs that empower residents to reduce their waste
  • Engaging with national partners through Metro Vancouver’s National Zero Waste Council
  • Metro Vancouver’s Waste-to-Energy Facility, the Vancouver Landfill, and remote landfills
  • Private solid waste facilities handling demolition, land clearing and construction debris​



Story of Solid WasteStory of Solid Waste801424018

Metro Vancouver Recycles

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 Related links



National Zero Waste Council, National Zero Waste CouncilNational Zero Waste Council
Campaign Posters and Artwork, Campaign Posters and ArtworkCampaign Posters and Artwork
Recycling Signage and Resources, Recycling Signage and ResourcesRecycling Signage and Resources

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