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Bylaws and Regulations
| Metro Vancouver



What We Do, What We DoWhat We Do<div class="ExternalClassAD84B3C2E09D40D49556FDC9DF84288A"><p>Metro Vancouver is responsible for managing waste generated in the region as well as reducing waste and improving recycling systems.</p></div>
Solid Waste Management Plan, Solid Waste Management Plan Solid Waste Management Plan <div class="ExternalClass6562FD4FE6D647A1B893518654FAC0DC"><p>Metro Vancouver’s sustainability principles provide guidance for the regional solid waste plan. Goals include reducing waste and increasing recycling.​<br></p></div>
Bylaws and Regulations, Bylaws and RegulationsBylaws and Regulations<div class="ExternalClass853924AE93ED472DA9C71CEF54235148"><p>Solid Waste Services implements bylaws and regulations to better manage waste within our system and protect public health and the environment.</p></div>
National Zero Waste Council, National Zero Waste CouncilNational Zero Waste Council<div class="ExternalClass83A29191490A4CC9B32BC110394F4B65"><p>A cross-sector leadership initiative advancing a national waste prevention and reduction agenda in Canada.</p></div>
Reports and Resources, Reports and ResourcesReports and Resources<div class="ExternalClass1DC81EE3D0F0495BB876BAFCE3A512D1"><p>A collection of reports relating to the solid waste management plan, waste composition studies and annual summaries.</p></div>
Campaign Materials, Campaign MaterialsCampaign Materials<div class="ExternalClass3BA22E4A2FF84218864DCEB408CCA7EC"><p>Metro Vancouver solid waste-related campaign creative that is available for use by other jurisdictions.​<br></p></div>




Tipping Fee, Tipping FeeTipping Fee<div class="ExternalClass6AA5392F00E946D48FE4CA985BB14859"><p>Tipping fees and other solid waste regulations are renewed annually in the Tipping Fee and Solid Waste Disposal Bylaw.</p></div>
Generator Levy, Generator LevyGenerator Levy<div class="ExternalClass0D2CD17AFE3A4C99B126D2704CD49AE8"><p>The levy ensures all waste generators in the region contribute to funding the costs of the regional network of solid waste facilities and solid waste planning​.</p></div>
Private Solid Waste Facility Licensing, Private Solid Waste Facility LicensingPrivate Solid Waste Facility Licensing<div class="ExternalClass47EE53D4ECF44E06956C3B56F2B2A5FD"><p>Information, forms and current licensees that protect public health, the environment, utility infrastructure and worker safety.</p></div>


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