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Fraser Islands Regional Park Reserve


Fraser Islands Regional Park Reserve  

Fraser Islands Regional Park Reserve protects more than 200 hectares of important river island habitat. Three islands make up the reserve – Douglas Island, near the junction of the Fraser and Pitt rivers, as well as Don Island and Lion Island, farther downstream near the western end of Annacis Island.

Unlike many islands in the lower Fraser River, these three have no dykes, so the spring freshets flood the low-lying portions each year. The islands’ small streams and channels provide important habitat for juvenile salmon and other fish species. The year-round wetland habitat is also important to a variety of amphibians, birds and other wildlife.

Due to the sensitive nature of the area, the rare and endangered species living there, and the lack of facilities, this site is currently managed as a park reserve with minimal public access.

Because of the ecological importance of the Fraser Island Regional Park Reserve and the lack of facilities, the islands are not open to the public.​


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