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Blaney Bog Regional Reserve


Blaney Bog Regional Reserve protects 124 hectares of mostly wetland. It provides habitat for a variety of animals including deer, beavers, coyotes, amphibians, sandhill cranes, green herons, great blue herons and American bitterns.

Blaney Bog Regional Reserve 

This reserve contains the only documented mound bog – stream fen complex within the Fraser lowlands. It is home to bog plants: carnivorous sundew, the rare cloudberry, Labrador tea and Arctic starflower. Salmonids including coho, chinook, chum and cutthroat live in Blaney and Anderson Creeks, which flow through and around the bog.​

Due to the sensitive nature of the area, the rare and endangered species living there, and the lack of facilities, this site is currently managed as a park reserve with minimal public access.

Metro Vancouver Regional Parks, the City of Maple Ridge and the Province of BC helped to purchase Blaney Bog for future generations. The Aquilini family contributed significantly to the purchase of Blaney Bog to protect it. The bog portion is therefore named Aquilini Conservation Reserve.





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