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South Surrey Interceptor




South Surrey InterceptorSouth Surrey Interceptor<div class="ExternalClass43D9550394EA417A822FB4105161DC6C"><p>The South Surrey Interceptor is a large sewer pipe that collects sewage from communities in South Surrey and Langley and carries it to the Annacis Island Wastewater Treatment Plant in the City of Delta. To accommodate regional growth and improve environmental protection, Metro Vancouver is constructing a second sewer line near the existing pipe using both open trench excavation and tunneling construction methods. <br></p><p>Due to the length of the pipe alignment, construction is occurring in multiple phases and continuing over several years. Phase two of the project extending from just south of Panorama Drive and 153A Street was completed in 2020. Crews completed​ the​ third phase of the project, extending along 153A Street and 56 Avenue in late 2023. Construction for the final phase of the project is anticipated to begin in 2025. ​<br></p><ul class="fa-ul"><li><span class="fa-li"><i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span><a href="/services/liquid-waste/ConstructionDocuments/south-surrey-interceptor-fact-sheet.pdf" target="_blank">Fact Sheet - South Surrey Inter​ceptor​</a>​<br></li></ul></div>City of SurreyProject





South Surrey Interceptor Upgrade Project Surrey Interceptor Upgrade Project



Impacts and mitigationImpacts and mitigation<div class="ExternalClass782CA4198E2B4C01BED35B47F2F91FE5"><p>Construction and impacts for phase three of the project will include:<br></p><ul><li>Temporary road closures along 153A Street, just south of 56 Avenue; no access to and from 56 Avenue from 153A Street</li><li>Traffic lane closures, delays and detours<br></li><li>Temporary driveway and property access restrictions near and within the work areas<br></li><li>Parking and sidewalk restrictions<br></li><li>Construction noise<br></li></ul>​ <p>Traffic, cyclist and pedestrian access will be affected. As the project progresses, there will be temporary full road closures along 153A Street, restricted access to and from 56 Avenue from 153A Street, and parking impacts. Traffic pattern changes, detours, and sidewalk restrictions will also be in effect as construction proceeds. <br></p><p>Please expect delays, use alternate routes where possible, and follow the direction of traffic control personnel and detour signage posted near the work areas when travelling within the construction areas. ​<br></p>​ </div>
Work HoursWork Hours<div class="ExternalClass36AE2D01664E486AA2DAEAA9C8A44B75"><p>Work will generally occur from Monday to Friday between 7:00 am and 8:00 pm. Crews will make efforts to complete the work in a timely manner and reduce impacts to local residents and businesses. </p><p>Crews may be required to work later or on weekends on occasion to complete specific tasks and stay on schedule. All work will comply with City of Surrey noise bylaws or granted bylaw variances.​<br></p></div>
EngagementEngagement<div class="ExternalClass2432A972B35F44AF8E5BF4432BE513D1"><p>​Metro Vancouver is committed to minimzing the impacts of this project on the surrounding community. Local businesses and residents will receive ongoing notifications about the project through newsletters, web updates, emails and on-site signage. </p><p>A Community Liaison has been assigned to this project and will be available to discuss project impacts, compile feedback and address any questions or concerns. Please see their contact information listed under the "Contacts" section of this page to connect. ​<br></p></div>
Project materialsProject materials<div class="ExternalClassF3C75B262A3F4BAFA8FFB6795D46E7DE"><ul class="fa-ul"><li><span class="fa-li"><i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span> <a href="/services/liquid-waste/ConstructionDocuments/south-surrey-interceptor-fact-sheet.pdf" target="_blank">Fact​ Sheet - South Surrey Interceptor ​</a><br></li></ul></div>



Early 2023 – Late 2023Early 2023 – Late 2023<div class="ExternalClass51110A91768A460FB3DEA62BA4F3F97A"><p>Phase 3​<br></p></div>1
20252025<div class="ExternalClassF8CCE55D589041F3BC74A603C95B3882"><p>Phase 4​​<br></p></div>1


Information​ Centre
Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 4:30 pm

  • Email
  • 604-432-6200​​​

After hours emergencies

  • 604-451-6610​

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