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Gleneagles Pump Station Upgrade Projects




Gleneagles Pump Station Upgrade ProjectsGleneagles Pump Station Upgrade Projects<div class="ExternalClassD3F34638839A4D26938AAF7A127FAE5A"><p>The Gleneagles Pump Stations are a series of five pump stations that help move wastewater safely from communities in the District of West Vancouver to the Lions Gate Wastewater Treatment Plant. These five pump stations were constructed nearly 50 years ago and are now scheduled for replacement as they approach the end of their lifespans. The Gleneagles Pump Station Upgrade Projects will increase the capacity of the pump stations, make them more seismically sound, and help prevent overflows in the event of a power outage. The five pump stations will be upgraded at various times over the next five years:</p><ul><li>Pump station 1: 2026 - 2027</li><li>Pump station 2: 2026 - 2027</li><li>Pump station 3: 2027</li><li>Pump station 4: 2024 - 2025</li><li>Pump station 5: 2023 - 2025<br></li></ul><p>The pump stations are connected by an existing pipe called the Gleneagles Interceptor; Metro Vancouver will also be upgrading sections of this pipe as part of a separate project. As both projects progress more information will be provided.</p><h3>Pump Station 5 – Summer 2023 - Spring 2025<br></h3><p>Metro Vancouver is already upgrading Pump Station 5, with work having begun in the summer of 2023 and completion expected in the spring of 2025. Pump Station 5 is at the intersection of Kensington Crescent and Marine Drive.<br></p><p>Access from Marine Drive to the north entrance of Kensington Cres is closed in both directions. Vehicle access for local traffic is maintained via the south entrance of Kensington Cres. Pedestrian and cyclist access is maintained through both entrances to Kensington Cres. There are occasional single-lane closures, resulting in single-lane alternating traffic on Marine Drive, between Kew Cliff Rd and Greentree Rd. Please see the <a href="/services/liquid-waste/ConstructionImages/gleneagles-ps-5-road-closure-map.jpg" target="_blank">map</a> for details.</p><h3>Pump Station 4 – Spring 2024 - Fall 2025<br></h3><p>The second pump station Metro Vancouver is upgrading is Pump Station 4, along Gallagher Place. Work began in early 2024 and is expected to be complete in the fall of 2025. The work consists of constructing a temporary bypass pump station, decommissioning the existing pump station, and constructing a new pump station. During construction, the roadway will transition to single-lane alternating traffic.​​<br></p><ul class="fa-ul"><li><span class="fa-li"><i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span> <a href="/services/liquid-waste/ConstructionDocuments/factSheet-gleneagles-pump-station-April2023.pdf" target="_blank" title="Fact Sheet - Gleneagles Pump Station U​pgrade​s">Fact Sheet - Gleneagles Pump Station U​pgrade​s</a></li></ul></div>Chatham Street to Marine Drive, District of West Vancouver



Project Map - Gleneagles Pump Stations Upgrade - April 2023 Map - Gleneagles Pump Stations Upgrade - April 2023





Impacts and mitigationImpacts and mitigation<div class="ExternalClass129995167CCD49D090A57B3642A17948"><p>Traffic, cyclist, and pedestrian access near each pump station will be affected during construction. Residents will be notified of traffic impacts, such as detours or parking restrictions, in advance. Please follow the direction of signage and traffic control personnel.</p>​​<br></div>
Work hoursWork hours<div class="ExternalClassD279D7FD69E641D3A1AB5CA1B3933FF5"><p>Work will generally occur from Monday to Saturday between 7:30 am and 5:30 pm. There may be times when crews will work extended hours to complete specific tasks and maintain the construction schedule. All work will comply with District of West Vancouver bylaws or granted bylaw variances.</p>​​​<br></div>
EngagementEngagement<div class="ExternalClassB5129E81E51A418D9A1AB7F74FC20F32"><p>A Community Liaison has been assigned to this project and will be available to meet with residents and members of the community to discuss the project impacts, compile public feedback, and be available to address any questions or concerns. Please see “Contacts” for ways to get in touch with the Community Liaison.</p>​​<br></div>
Project materialsProject materials<div class="ExternalClassB6AD6D7A2980414082284918F3F62271"><ul class="fa-ul"><li> <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span><a href="/services/liquid-waste/ConstructionDocuments/factSheet-gleneagles-pump-station-April2023.pdf" target="_blank">Fact Sheet –​​ Gleneagles Pump Station Upgrade Projects <br>​</a><br></li></ul> Newsletters</div><div class="ExternalClassB6AD6D7A2980414082284918F3F62271"><ul><li><a href="/services/liquid-waste/ConstructionDocuments/gleneagles-pump-station-upgrades-newsletter-2023-june.pdf" target="_blank">2023 – June – Pump Station 5 – Mobilization​</a></li><li><a href="/services/liquid-waste/ConstructionDocuments/gleneagles-pump-station-upgrades-newsletter-2024-january.pdf" target="_blank" style="text-decoration-line:underline;">2024 – January – Pump Station 4 –​ Mobilization​</a></li><li><a href="/services/liquid-waste/ConstructionDocuments/gleneagles-pump-station-overnight-work-newsletter-2024-march.pdf" target="_blank" style="text-decoration-line:underline;">2024 – March – Pump Stations 3, 4 and 5 –​ Overnight Work</a></li><li>​<a href="/services/liquid-waste/ConstructionDocuments/newsletter-gallagher-place-project-update-gleneagles-ps-upgrade-2024-07.pdf">2024 – July – Pump Station 4 – ​Project Update​</a></li><li><a href="/services/liquid-waste/ConstructionDocuments/newsletter-overnight-work-gleneagles-pump-stations-2024-07.pdf" target="_blank">2024 –​ August - Pump Stations 3, 4 and 5 – Overnight Work​</a></li></ul></div>



2023 - 20272023 - 20271


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