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Evergreen Downs




Evergreen DownsEvergreen Downs<div class="ExternalClassBCC6DA994FFC46AD844FB10B492CD3B9"><p>​Evergreen Downs is a three-level, wood frame apartment building originally constructed in 1982 with 38 residential units. This rehabilitation project involved replacing the exterior wall cladding, windows and doors, roof membrane, and balconies, as well as upgrading the outdoor amenity space. Four inches of continuous exterior insulation was added, along with a new fully electric air source heat pump that heats and cools the air in hallways, making the building more energy efficient and comfortable for tenants throughout all seasons. The project has extended the life of the building by 50 years and resulted in significant savings in energy and GHG emissions. It provides a more comfortable building for tenants, has significantly improved building resilience to extreme weather events, and has lowered energy bills for Metro Vancouver Housing and tenants. The building’s new look is modern, fresh, and easier to maintain.</p><p>Read more in the <a href="/services/housing/Documents/metro-vancouver-housing-10-year-plan-progress-update-2022.pdf" target="_blank">Metro Vancouver Housing 10-Year Plan – 2022 Progress Update</a>.<br></p></div><div class="ExternalClass2299FA3B842E4087A9AEC29DA2E09F74"><ul><li>Significant energy improvements that help lower tenant energy bills, improve tenant comfort, and make the building more resilient to severe climate events. </li><li>Improved the exterior appearance of the building.</li><li>Created a refreshed amenity space for tenants. Tenants were engaged on the re-design of the outdoor amenity space which includes the integration of community gardens <br></li></ul></div>, Evergreen Downs



Evergreen Downs - Exterior - 1b - after Downs - Exterior - 1b - after
Evergreen Downs - community gardens - after Downs - community gardens - after
Evergreen Downs - Exterior 1b - before Downs - Exterior 1b - before
Evergreen Downs - Exterior - 3b - after Downs - Exterior - 3b - after

Status: Completed spring 2022​



Evergreen DownsEvergreen Downs<div class="ExternalClass871F02B600DD4C02AFD4601ACCE63DB3"><p>​<br></p></div>

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