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Trucked Liquid Waste


Program Up​​date

October 31, 2024

Metro Vancouver is proposing trucked liquid waste fee increases in 2025 for domestic and non-domestic waste discharges at its trucked liquid waste facilities, including the Iona Island, Annacis Island and Northwest Langley wastewater treatment plants. The new proposed fees would allow Metro Vancouver to fully recover all costs associated with its trucked liquid waste program.

Metro Vancouver’s Liquid Waste Committee​ will consider the proposed trucked liquid waste fee increases at its meeting on November 13, 2024. If the new fees are approved at this meeting, the changes will go into effect on January 1, 2025.​

Read the full update on Trucked Liquid Waste Fee Increase October 2024 Newsletter​​.

Metro Vancouver’s GVS&DD Trucked Liquid Waste Bylaw No. 345, 2021, protects sewer workers, infrastructure and the environment by regulating the management and discharge of trucked liquid waste in the region.

Domestic trucked liquid waste facilities were established in order to provide a location for the discharge of domestic waste from locations that are not connected to a municipal sanitary sewer such as waste from septic tanks, holding tanks and portable toilets.

A non-domestic trucked liquid waste facility was established for waste from businesses that cannot be discharged to the sewer. Authorization for each non-domestic trucked liquid waste source must be obtained prior to disposal.

Haulers and use of ​Metro Vancouver trucked liquid waste facilities

Residents or businesses must employ a waste disposal company that has access privileges to our facilities, known as a “hauler”, to transport the waste to a trucked liquid waste (TLW) facility for discharge and treatment.

Metro Vancouver currently operates domestic trucked liquid waste facilities at the Annacis Island, Iona Island and Northwest Langley Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTPs) and a non-domestic trucked liquid waste facility at the Iona Island WWTP.

The trucked liquid waste haulers are charged a fee at the disposal facilities based on the type of discharge:

In-region domestic trucked liquid waste discharge fees 2021-2025

​ Year
2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
Rate ($/m3)$8.59$17.48$26.38$35.27​

In-region non-domestic trucked liquid waste discharge fees 2021-2025

​​ ​ ​
Year 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
Rate ($/m3)$61.30$65.80$70.30$74.80$79.30

Metro Vancouver’s wastewater treatment Plants are designed and funded based on wastewater generated from within the region. In recent years, Metro Vancouver trucked liquid waste facilities have seen an increase in out-of-region trucked liquid waste. There is a need to address out-of-region waste and ensure that each region adequately plans and manages their own waste.

The Trucked Liquid Waste Bylaw restricts discharges of trucked liquid waste from outside the region. Only in exceptional circumstances within neighbouring jurisdictions, Metro Vancouver may consider and authorize out-of-region trucked liquid waste through a review process.

If authorized, discharges of out-of-region trucked liquid waste will be subject to higher rates than in-region trucked liquid waste to recover the additional costs of processing these requests.

2023 O​ut-of-region trucked liquid waste discharge fees

 2023 Discharge Fees With a valid out-of-region discharge number issued after October 28, 2022
Domestic Trucked Liquid Waste Discharge Fee Rate ($/m3)$58.60
Non-Domestic Trucked Liquid Waste Discharge Fee Rate ($/m3)$101.77

2024​​ O​ut-of-region trucked liquid waste discharge fees

 2024 Discharge Fees With a valid out-of-region discharge number issued after October 28, 2022
Domestic Trucked Liquid Waste Discharge Fee Rate ($/m3)$62.64
Non-Domestic Trucked Liquid Waste Discharge Fee Rate ($/m3)$108.70​

Rates will increase by the consumer price index inflation rate annually on January 1.

GVS&DD Trucked Liquid Waste Bylaw No. 345, 2021, Trucked Liquid Waste Amending Bylaw No. 352, 2022, and ​Trucked Liquid Waste Amending Bylaw No. 360, 2022 describe the specific conditions under which an out-of-region discharge may be authorized. For inquiries regarding out-of-region trucked liquid waste discharge requests, please contact Applications will be processed as time permits.

 Trucked liquid waste manual, forms, and applications



Trucked Liquid Waste Procedure Manual, Trucked Liquid Waste Procedure ManualTrucked Liquid Waste Procedure Manual<div class="ExternalClassD0F9EFDD11F542F1A26943AB9AF7288E"><p><span id="ms-rterangepaste-start"></span>Manual for haulers explains how to dispose of trucked liquid waste for each wastewater treatment plant, including pro​cedures and accepted materials.<br></p></div>
Hauler Manifest, Hauler ManifestHauler Manifest<div class="ExternalClass8CC99EFBD76D449D960F5F0798BD452B"><p><span id="ms-rterangepaste-start"></span>Form for haulers that must be used to identify all wastes – domestic and non-domestic – taken for disposal to trucked li​<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span>quid waste facilities (form will be reviewed by an attendant before disposal).​<span id="ms-rterangepaste-end"></span><br></p></div>
Apply for Credit, Apply for CreditApply for Credit<div class="ExternalClassAE2F692D2BCD4C848B0F6FBCA39EFB4E"><p><span id="ms-rterangepaste-start"></span>Form for haulers to apply for a credit account, which is required to access Metro Vancouver trucked liquid waste disposa​<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span>l facilities.​<span id="ms-rterangepaste-end"></span><br></p></div>
Apply for Authorization to Discharge Non-domestic Waste, Apply for Authorization to Discharge Non-domestic WasteApply for Authorization to Discharge Non-domestic Waste<div class="ExternalClass8BD81407745440DF82068FC7F4D27B0D"><p><span id="ms-rterangepaste-start"></span>Application to be completed by haulers in order to discharge non-domestic waste at the Iona Island trucked liquid wa​​<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span>ste facility (must be pre-approved and authorized prior to disposal).​<span id="ms-rterangepaste-end"></span><br></p></div>
TLW Facility-Use Program Driver Sign-Off Sheet, TLW Facility-Use Program Driver Sign-Off SheetTLW Facility-Use Program Driver Sign-Off Sheet

 Trucked liquid waste offload procedure videos



Annacis Island WWTP Domestic Waste Offload ProcedureAnnacis Island WWTP Domestic Waste Offload Procedure350357906
Iona Island WWTP Domestic Waste Offload ProcedureIona Island WWTP Domestic Waste Offload Procedure350357949
Northwest Langley WWTP Domestic Waste Offload Procedure OrientationNorthwest Langley WWTP Domestic Waste Offload Procedure Orientation350357975

 Related links



Liquid Waste Fees, Liquid Waste FeesLiquid Waste Fees


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  • 604-432-6200​​​​

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