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Operations Regulated by the Fermentation Operations Bylaw


​The Ferme​ntation Operations Bylaw applies to any business which brews, distills, or ferments fruits, vegetables​, or grains to produce beer, cider, wine, or spirits or any other similar liquor made from fermentation and discharging up to 300 m3 (300,000 L) of wastewater into the sewer within 30 days. This includes:

  • Brew pubs
  • Cottage breweries
  • Micro-breweries
  • U-vins
  • Wineries
  • Distilleries
  • U-brews

Operations discharging more th​an 300 m3 within 30 days

Larger fermentation operations discharging more than 300 m3 of wastewater to sewer within 30 days aren’t covered under this bylaw.​​ A Waste Discharge Permit is required to authorize discharges to sewer from these operations.

Larger operations can find more i​nformation on how to apply for a Waste Discharge Permit here​:

Related links


Fermentation Operation Regulatory Program:

Metro Vancouver

  • Email ​​
  • 604-432-6200​​​

City of Vancouver

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