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Retire an Engine


​​“Retiring” a r​​egistered non-road diesel engine means money back in your pocket. Get back 80% of fees paid from the last 3 years of operating periods you purchased!

Here’s​ how:

  • Submit a completed Engine Retirement Application form (PDF) along with applicable declarations and supporting documentation using Metro Vancouver’s Non-Road Diesel Engine Registration System.



Metro Vancouver’s Non-Road Diesel Engine Registration System., Metro Vancouver’s Non-Road Diesel Engine Registration System.Metro Vancouver’s Non-Road Diesel Engine Registration System.
Engine Retirement Application form, Engine Retirement Application formEngine Retirement Application form

Note: You must supply required, supporting documentation and declarations within 365 days of your engine’s retirement date.

Note: An engine without a serial number must be permanently marked with Metro Vancouver initials (‘MV’) followed by Metro Vancouver’s Engine Registration number.​​



More details on retired engine criteria More details on retired engine criteria <div class="ExternalClass7F1595CF03C74FC0837C101687C97DAB"><p>A “retired” engine becomes <strong>permanently prohibited</strong> from any present or future operation within Metro Vancouver (pursuant to the provisions of the Non-Road Die​sel Engine Emission Regulation Bylaw No. 1329 (2021)).​<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span><br></p><p>For engines that are <strong>sold for use outside of Metro Vancouver</strong>, the registrant must:</p><ol><li>Notify the purchaser or third party seller (i.e. auction house) that the retired engine is prohibited from operating in Metro Vancouver</li><li>Obtain & submit a signed Declaration of the Purchaser / Auctioneer </li><li>Complete & submit a Declaration of the Registrant </li><li>Submit supporting documentation to prove engine retirement</li></ol><p>For engines <strong>moved permanently outside Metro Vancouver</strong>, the registrant must: </p><ol><li>Complete & submit a Declaration of the Registrant </li><li>Submit supporting documentation to prove engine retirement </li></ol><p>For <strong>scrapped* </strong>engines, the registrant must: </p><ol><li>Ensure the engine core is destroyed and is not reusable </li><li>Complete & submit a Declaration of the Registrant</li><li>Submit supporting documentation to prove engine retirement </li></ol><p> <strong>*</strong>A scrapped engine may be kept on site for spare parts provided the engine core is destroyed and is not re-usable.</p>​<br></div>
More details on documentation proving engine retirementMore details on documentation proving engine retirement<div class="ExternalClassF8A2DD29F92143B28627889F9C2A7CF4"><p>To qualify for a Part 8 fee refund (Non-Road Diesel Engine Emission Regulation Bylaw No. 1329 (2021)), the registrant must submit the following documentation, where applicable, to prove engine retirement: </p><ul><li> Registrant Declaration </li><li> Purchaser / Auctioneer Declaration </li><li> Bill of Sale </li><li>Engine Destruction Certificate </li><li> Export Certificate </li><li>Vehicle Transfer Form </li><li> Salvage Receipt (engine serial number listed) </li><li> Contracts </li><li> Photographs </li><li> Proof of engine marking <br></li></ul><p>Metro Vancouver may request additional information or documentation to prove engine retirement. </p><p>Please submit a completed Retirement Application form (PDF) along with applicable declarations and supporting documentation using <a href="" target="_blank">Metro Vancouver’s Non-Road Diesel Engine Registration System</a>.</p><p>​<a class="uk-button mv-button" href="" target="_blank">Non Road Diesel Engine Online Registration System</a><br> Email us at <span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><a href="" title="Email"><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span></a> or call the Diesel Line on 604-451-6655 for any help along the way.</p></div>


For more information on Non-Road Diesel Engine emission regulation

  • Email ​​
  • 604-451-6655

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