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ERM Application


Did you know adding an approved Emission Reduction Measure (ERM) means you can reduce your fees:

  1. Get advice on upgrading or retrofitting your non-road diesel engine. See “ERM Suppliers List” in next section for Metro Vancouver suppliers/installers with ERMs verified by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and/or the California Air Resources Board (CARB).
  2. Complete an ERM Application on the Non-Road Diesel Registration Website.
  3. Install the ERM on your machine.
  4. Email us at or call the Diesel Line on 604-451-6655 for any help along the way.



ERM suppliers listERM suppliers list<div class="ExternalClass09D03506AD994B7989E549CCDC6570C8"><div class="uk-child-width-1-3@m uk-child-width-1-21@s uk-grid uk-grid-small uk-grid-match"><div><p> <strong>DES Vancouver</strong><br>Taylor Yelland<br>19358 96th Ave, #205<br>Surrey, BC V4N 4C1<br>Office 604-371-0885<br>Cell 604-362-2990 <br> <a href=""></a> <br><a href="" target="_blank">​<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span></a><br><br></p></div><div><p> <strong>Nett Technologies​</strong><br>Julia Ruslys<br> 2- 6707 Goreway Drive<br> Mississauga, Ontario L4V 1P7<br> 905-672-5453 ext. 119<br> 1-800-361-6388 <br><a href=""></a><br><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br><br></p></div><div><p> <strong>ESW Canada Inc.</strong><br>Rafat Habib <br> 205- 3800 Steeles Avenue W.<br> Woodbridge, ON<br>905-695-4141 ext.287<br><a href=""></a><br><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br><br></p></div><div><p> <strong>Rypos</strong><br>Peter Ellison<br> 131- 3843 South Bristol Street<br> Santa Ana, California 92704<br> 949-395-4190 <br><a href=""></a><br><a class="external" href="" target="_blank"></a><br><br></p></div><div><p> <strong>Elite Emission Products</strong><br>Dave Scarfe<br> 1210 Kerrisdale Blvd<br> Newmarket, ON L3Y 8Z9<br>805-248-3460<br><a href=""></a><br><a class="external" href="" target="_blank"></a><br><br>​<br></p>​ </div></div></div>
More information: ERM applicationsMore information: ERM applications<div class="ExternalClassAFDF5D46274C4502AF8C90DF8534218D"><p>Complete an ERM Application on the <a href="" target="_blank">Non-Road Diesel Registration Website</a>. There, you will be asked to supply the following details.</p><p> <a href="" title="">Email us</a> or call the Diesel Line on 604-451-6655 for any help along the way.  </p><p>Required Information and ERM Supporting Documents </p><ul><li>Metro Vancouver Engine Registration Number, </li><li>Engine make and model, </li><li> EPA Family Name (not applicable to Tier 0 engines), </li><li>EPA verification letter or CARB Executive order for selected ERM, </li><li>Engine pre-assessment results as conducted by authorized ERM installer, </li><li>Letter of assurance for PM (particulate matter) reduction from ERM manufacturer, </li><li>Receipt for the ERM and installation by authorized installer, </li><li>Photograph of the ERM installed on the engine, </li><li>Written Statement of Compatibility from the installer, confirming that the ERM was installed in accordance with the EPA Verification Letter or CARB Executive Order as well as the manufacturer’s pre-installation instructions. <br> <br></li></ul><p>Metro Vancouver <em>may </em>request additional information.</p></div>
Approved retrofit classificationsApproved retrofit classifications<div class="ExternalClass1470608EED92430A9A45B0EB9ADCC0BE"><p>The following retrofit Emission Reduction Measure classifications are approved subject to the listed conditions: </p><ol><li>ERMs verified by EPA or CARB for use with <strong>non-road diesel engines on a specified engine </strong>in accordance with the EPA verification letter or CARB executive order, or </li><li>ERMs verified by EPA or CARB for use with <strong>non-road diesel engines on a non-specified engine </strong>with ERM manufacturer assurance that it meets or exceeds emission reductions of 20% particulate matter for DOCs, and 85% particulate matter for DPFs, or </li><li>ERMs verified by EPA or CARB for use with <strong>on-road diesel engines on a non-specified engine</strong> with ERM manufacturer assurance that it meets or exceeds emission reductions of 20% particulate matter for DOCs, and 85% particulate matter for DPFs.</li></ol><h4>Approvals are subject to the following conditions: </h4><ul><li>Each ERM application will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by Metro Vancouver. The application will not be approved if the district director has reason to believe the emission reductions are unlikely to be achieved in a particular case; </li><li>The maximum approval period is five years for any ERM from the date of installation unless otherwise approved by the district director; </li><li>All NRDEs require an engine pre-assessment conducted by an installer, authorized by the ERM manufacturer, prior to the approval and installation of the ERM. The pre-assessment results will be provided to Metro Vancouver as part of the ERM application; </li><li>The ERM must be installed by an authorized installer; </li><li>Registrants will provide an assurance letter from the ERM manufacturer indicating the PM % reduction achieved by the ERM if using ERM classification 2 or 3; </li><li>Registrants will keep NRDE and ERM maintenance records to demonstrate optimal performance based on ERM manufacturers specifications; and </li><li>Registrants will inform Metro Vancouver immediately if the ERM is replaced, removed or modified. <br></li></ul><p>ERM approvals will be rescinded if the ERM does not operate to reduce the particulate matter emission rate in the manner for which the district director gave approval. </p><p>ERMs that do not meet the criteria of the approved classifications, as stated above, will require full engineering and technical review by Metro Vancouver in order to be considered. </p> <span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><h3><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span>Res​​ources </h3><p> <i class="fa-light fa-link"></i> <a href="" target="_blank">EPA Verified Retrofit Technologies</a></p><p> <i class="fa-light fa-link"></i> <a href="" target="_blank">CARB Verified Retrofit Technologies</a><br></p>​<br></div>

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California Air Resources Board (CARB), California Air Resources Board (CARB)California Air Resources Board (CARB)
Engine Tier Calculator, Engine Tier CalculatorEngine Tier Calculator
Non-Road Diesel Registration, Non-Road Diesel RegistrationNon-Road Diesel Registration
US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

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