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​​How are ​​small sensors be​ing used?

Government agencies, academic institutions, and community organizations across the world are exploring how to use small air sensors. Here are some examples of o​​ther small sensor projects.



The Breathe London Project, The Breathe London ProjectThe Breathe London Project<div class="ExternalClassF3964A4587DD47C8BB041E3CB2BB1041"><p>The Breathe London project installed a network of sensors throughout London, UK, to collect air quality data at a high spatial resolution. They also used small sensors on cars for mobile monitoring and provided schoolchildren with wearable sensors so they could measure their air quality during their journey to and from school.<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span><br></p></div>
Clean Air Responsible Schools Program, Clean Air Responsible Schools ProgramClean Air Responsible Schools Program<div class="ExternalClass11A3FF048DD04556A084DF2F2A18DFCE"><p>The Clean Air Responsible Schools (C.A.R.S.) program offers an activity for schools that allows students to use small air sensors to collect air quality data and then create an educational campaign in their school to improve air quality.​​<br></p></div>
Puget Sound Clean Air Agency, Puget Sound Clean Air AgencyPuget Sound Clean Air Agency<div class="ExternalClassAE24BF0D71B14837B4F2AAC4CF322CB4"><p>The Puget Sound Clean Air A​<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span>gency has a sensor lending program. They once lent a sensor to a mother and her two sons who created an air quality poster for their science fair project and won first place.</p></div>
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric ResearchNational Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research<div class="ExternalClassD95B4EBC1C1A45A0B650EF4A03D96720"><p>The National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) in New Zealand worked with students aged 12 and 13 at Arrowtown School to analyze, visualize, and communicate air quality data collected from small sensors installed in the community.​<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span><br></p></div>
Watts Rising, Watts RisingWatts Rising<div class="ExternalClass492EB31A94AC436FA3DA06F4106FEBB4"><p>Watts Rising in Los Angeles, California focuses on community-based sustainability projects, including one using a network small air sensors to provide residents with more local air quality measurements.​<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span><br></p></div>
Love My Air Program, Love My Air ProgramLove My Air Program<div class="ExternalClassC6868F4DEB9C4C319F95EF06D749E1D0"><p>The Love My Air program in Denver, Colorado, is using small sensors to create a citywide air quality monitoring network, in partnership with Denver Public Schools.​<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span><br></p></div>

Learn more ab​​​out small sensors​



South Coast Air Quality Management District: Air Quality Sensor Performance Evaluation Center (AQ-SPEC), South Coast Air Quality Management District: Air Quality Sensor Performance Evaluation Center (AQ-SPEC)South Coast Air Quality Management District: Air Quality Sensor Performance Evaluation Center (AQ-SPEC)<div class="ExternalClass9E11410DE6CE48B592ED6C0E559C7C82"><p>AQ-SPEC evaluates the performance of small air sensors through field and lab testing and posts evaluation procedures and results on their site.​<br></p></div>
South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD): Educational Toolkit, South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD): Educational ToolkitSouth Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD): Educational Toolkit<div class="ExternalClass6B714AADCEAF477DB622B87A1E946857"><p>SCAQMD’s educational toolkit on air sensors includes an air sensor guidebook on how to plan an air quality project, use air sensors, and understand the data. The toolkit also includes training videos on air quality monitoring and sensor installation.<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span><br></p></div>
United States Environmental Protection Agency Air Sensor Toolbox, United States Environmental Protection Agency Air Sensor ToolboxUnited States Environmental Protection Agency Air Sensor Toolbox<div class="ExternalClassEA1881CE96D74A20A45F6B6210D23143"><p>The Air Sensor Toolbox offers guidance on how to use air sensors and interpret sensor data. The US EPA also evaluates sensor performance and develops best practices for using sensors appropriately.</p></div>
United States Environmental Protection Agency Performance Testing Protocols for Fine Particulate Matter Air Sensors, United States Environmental Protection Agency Performance Testing Protocols for Fine Particulate Matter Air SensorsUnited States Environmental Protection Agency Performance Testing Protocols for Fine Particulate Matter Air Sensors<div class="ExternalClass9CB6E518ED4E4FBE8033347B8BCAD138"><p>US EPA has developed testing protocols to evaluate the performance of air sensors that measure fine particulate matter and are used for non-regulatory purposes. The report includes guidance on how to measure sensor data quality and associated target levels.<br></p></div>
United States Environmental Protection Agency Performance Testing Protocols for Ozone Air Sensors, United States Environmental Protection Agency Performance Testing Protocols for Ozone Air SensorsUnited States Environmental Protection Agency Performance Testing Protocols for Ozone Air Sensors<div class="ExternalClass78CBE12279C941F8B21285D47989496D"><p>US EPA has developed testing protocols to evaluate the performance of air sensors that measure ozone ​and are used for non-regulatory purposes. The report includes guidance on how to measure sensor data quality and associated target levels.<br></p></div>
Puget Sound Clean Air Agency, Sound Clean Air Agency<div class="ExternalClass2F3A244AE26F4C64A2650F999F3BE52E"><p>The PSCAA provides guidance on interpreting sensor data and is developing a sensor map that shows PM<sub>2.5</sub>​ readings from government air monitoring stations alongside calibrated PurpleAir readings.<br></p></div>
University of Northern British Columbia, University of Northern British ColumbiaUniversity of Northern British Columbia<div class="ExternalClassEAF0AB827CEE43E8951272D15321199A"><p>Researchers at the University of Northern British Columbia have developed a correction formula for PurpleAir data. This map shows PM<sub>2.5</sub>​<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span> readings from government air monitoring stations alongside their calibrated PurpleAir readings.</p></div>
Lane Regional Air Protection Agency (LRAPA), Lane Regional Air Protection Agency (LRAPA)Lane Regional Air Protection Agency (LRAPA)<div class="ExternalClassBCA27F5BBF974285BEF3A272F4E0F484"><p>The LRAPA has step-by-step instructions how apply conversion factors to PurpleAir sensor data, and other information on interpreting small sensor data.</p></div>
University of California Air Quality Research Center: Air Sensors International Conference, University of California Air Quality Research Center: Air Sensors International ConferenceUniversity of California Air Quality Research Center: Air Sensors International Conference<div class="ExternalClass15E0CA1337E34D8EAB3250B829C10957"><p>The UC Davis Air Quality Research Center hosts an annual conference on small air sensors. Their website includes recordings of previous conference sessions on topics such as using sensors in city-wide networks and communicating air sensor data.</p></div>

 Related links



Air Quality Basics, Air Quality BasicsAir Quality Basics
Difference Between Sensors, Difference Between SensorsDifference Between Sensors
Choosing and Using a Small Air Sensor, Choosing and Using a Small Air SensorChoosing and Using a Small Air Sensor
Making Sense of the Data, Making Sense of the DataMaking Sense of the Data

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