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Emissions Inventories and Forecasts


Thousands of sources release air contaminants every day. Emissions sources range from vehicles and household furnaces, to marine vessels and large-scale industrial operations. Metro Vancouver prepares several inventories to keep track of these emissions.

Emissions inventory types at a glance

Emissi​on​s Inventory Details ​​Annual Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Lower Fraser Valley Emissions Inventory Consumption-Based Emissions Inventory
Air contaminants included ​​Carbon dioxide (CO2​)
M​ethane (CH4)
Nitrous oxide (N2O)
Greenhouse gases (CO2e)
Carbon monoxide (CO)
Nitrogen oxides (NOx)
Total particulate ma​tter (PM)
Inhalabl​e particulate matter (PM10)
Fine particulate matter (PM2.5)
Sulphur oxides (SOx)
Volatile organic compounds (VOC)
Ammonia (NH3)
Carbon dioxide (CO2)
Methane (CH4)
Nitrous oxide (N2O)
Greenhouse gases (CO2e)
Carbon dioxide (CO2)
Methane (CH4)
Nitrous oxide (N2O)
Greenhouse gases (CO2e)
Geographic area ​​Metro Vancouver ​​​Lower Fraser Valley (includes Metro Vancouver and the south-western portion of the Fraser Valley Regional District) ​​​Metro Vancouver
Frequency of preparation Annually Every 5 years ​​​As needed
Years available ​​2010, 2015, 2019-2022 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, 2020 Forecasts to: 2025, 2030, 2035, 2040 2015
GHG inventory scopes ​​Scope 1 (direct) and 2 (indirect, electricity) ​​​Scope 1 Scope 1, 2, 3 (indirect)
Key sectors included ​​Currently: on-road transportation (light- and heavy-duty vehicles), buildings
To come: aircraft, rail, marine, non-road equipment, agriculture, waste, electricity
Industry, transportation (light- and heavy-duty vehicles, aircraft, rail, marine, non-road equipment), buildings, agriculture, waste Transportation, buildings, food, consumables, waste​


Where d​o air emis​​​sions com​e from in the Metro Vancouver region?

Greenhouse Gas Emissions​

Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Figures represent Metro Vancouver emissions data from 2015

Health-Harming Air Contaminant Emissions

Smog-forming Emissions
Figures represent Metro Vancouver emissions data from 2015

Where d​o air emis​​​sions com​e from in the Metro Vancouver region?

Greenhouse Gas Emissions​

Smog-forming Emissions
Figures represent Metro Vancouver emissions data from 2022

Health-Harming Air Contaminant Emissions

Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Figures represent Metro Vancouver emissions data from 2015​

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