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Annual participants in water education tours and K-12 school programs conducted in person and virtually





<div class="ExternalClass4DBB01847C5F47F4AD1CA7B7CD14165D"><p>Metro Vancouver’s watershed education program works to provide citizens with the opportunity to see where their water comes from, understand the value of the resource, and recognize their connection to it. Tours work to give participants a sense of pride and confidence in their water supply and become champions for water sustainability. This is achieved through public tours, open to all residents of the region, as well as a comprehensive, curriculum-connected school programs operating out of the protected water supply areas , the Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve (LSCR) as well as an abbreviated virtual or in classroom option​<br><br></p></div>Participants in Watershed and Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve programming





<div class="ExternalClass2323BE52E3824CC4A1AF0A9665202988"><p>in water education tours and K-12 school programs conducted in person and virtually​<br></p></div>7.075annual participants417Water Services: Watershed and Environmental Management

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