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Regional Global Positioning System: Regional GPS service uptime 24x7 (Post-mission service)


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<div class="ExternalClassB20393DCAB094920BAB4346715D9AB0A"><p>​​The purpose of the GPS Program is to provide a high-accuracy and consistent platform for engineering and other surveys in the Metro Vancouver region, using Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). The platform allows users in the field to accurately locate and/or layout various infrastructure (such as water and sewer lines, roadways, rights-of-way location, topographic mapping, bathymetric surveys). This indicator displays the uptime 24 hours per day, every day of the year. ​<br></p></div>





<div class="ExternalClass537D04F369F24FCFAF0FA6D69BE3117A"><p>​24x7, 365 days per year<br></p></div>99.9%service uptime (post-mission service)213Regional Global Positioning System

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