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Area designated Industrial





<div class="ExternalClassC247B90CD2054636BD059BE98188E2D7"><p>Every parcel of land in the region has one of six regional land use designations (Agricultural, Conservation and Recreation, General Urban, Industrial, Employment, and Rural). The regional land use designations set out the intended uses, and what uses may not be appropriate, on these lands. The regional land use designations strike a balance by setting out the regional interest in land use while still allowing municipalities the flexibility to meet local land use objectives.</p><p>This indicator shows industrial areas within Metro Vancouver that are primarily intended for heavy and light industrial activities, and appropriate accessory uses. Residential uses are not intended.</p></div>Area Designated Industrial


​The 2023 corporate performance objective in the annual work plan is no net loss in hectares of land in comparison to 2022. There is no target in Metro 2050 for this measure. Learn more information about ​Metro 2050 amendments here.

​Historical benchmark/baseline (2011): 10,190 hectares of land with a Metro 2050 Industrial Designation.

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<div class="ExternalClassCC0D136D6476463A86D2A0D6BF2B9D57"><p>​with a <a href="/services/regional-planning/metro-2050-the-regional-growth-strategy" target="_blank">Metro 2050</a> Industrial Designation​​​<br></p></div>10,200hectares390Regional Planning


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