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Biosolids beneficially used





<div class="ExternalClassE514A58FBA3B476694BBEBD51DB66A96"><p>Biosolids are the organic material that is recovered from advanced wastewater treatment and used to create a highly effective, non-chemical fertilizer. Biosolids are used across BC to restore land and create healthy soil (“beneficial use”).</p><p>Biosolids that can’t be used are sent to landfill. This happened most notably in 2014 and 2016:</p><ul><li>In 2014, there was a sudden drop in demand for biosolids in land restoration projects at the Highland Valley Copper Mine. Alternate projects could not be established in time to use the biosolids.</li><li>In 2016, a contractor working for a biosolids generator in the Okanagan spilled biosolids en route to a shared project site near Clinton (BC), causing Metro Vancouver to divert biosolids to other project sites. There was not enough time to find enough alternate project sites to handle all Metro Vancouver biosolids.</li></ul><p> <a href="/services/liquid-waste/biosolids" target="_blank">Find out how we produce and use biosolids​</a></p>​</div>Biosolids Beneficially Used




<div class="ExternalClass8C36910C273E41E3B01FD9BFB3FF5C0C"><p>used beneficially</p></div>100%of biosolids320Liquid Waste: Management Systems & Utility Services


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