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Annual Combined Sewer Overflow Volume





<div class="ExternalClass0D5AF96E06924A4CA6F02B7F3D1B88DB"><p>​Combined sewers carry both sanitary wastewater and stormwater in a single pipe. They are a legacy from the early 20th century when wastewater was not treated and collecting everything in one sewer pipe was considered cost effective. Combined sewers only still exist in older parts of the region (Vancouver, New Westminster and Burnaby).</p><p>Prolonged heavy rain can overload the combined sewer system, resulting in overflows into the environment. A number of projects are underway to reduce combined sewer overflows. Metro Vancouver and member jurisdictions are also working to replace combined sewers with separated sanitary and storm sewers.</p><p><a href="/services/liquid-waste/what-are-sewer-overflows" target="_blank">Learn more about sewer overflows</a></p></div>Annual Combined Sewer Overflow Volume


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<div class="ExternalClassA1A5DF5451F840D19ABADE555548B60F"><p>​overflow volume</p></div>20,158ML314Liquid Waste Services: Policy, Planning and Analysis

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