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Metro Vancouver Housing GHG emissions





<div class="ExternalClass111186B2A8524ADA98BE0330A7D36E8C"><p>Metro Vancouver Housing purchases energy (electricity, natural gas, and steam) to heat, light, and ventilate its buildings and provide hot water to residents. This energy consumption results in greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change. Energy consumption, and therefore greenhouse gas emissions, are highly dependent on regional winter temperatures. Through effective energy management and strategic planning, Metro Vancouver Housing strives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with operation of its buildings. This performance indicator tracks greenhouse gas emissions associated with the energy used per square metre of building area and is adjusted to account for year-to-year weather variability.</p><p>Improvements seen since 2015 are the result of the ongoing implementation of Metro Vancouver Housing's High-Efficiency Natural Gas Equipment Replacement Program.</p><p>Methodology for this calculation updated in 2021 to comply with Carbon Neutral Government Regulation.</p>​​<br><br></div>Metro Vancouver Housing GHG emissions






<div class="ExternalClass480056B69AE54F1CB658870AB42A2F35"><p>in the Housing portfolio<br></p></div>7.96grams CO2e per square metre241Metro Vancouver Housing Corporation

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