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Reliability of air quality monitoring network





<div class="ExternalClass45903E1EF1C64C98A77CEF3E942ECC98"><p>Metro Vancouver operates a comprehensive network of air quality monitoring stations within Metro Vancouver and the Fraser Valley.  Sophisticated instruments continuously provide high quality data from 31 permanent stations, which report an hour-by-hour picture of air quality conditions where people live, work and play. Data from the stations are used to assess the effectiveness of initiatives to improve air quality, and to report the Air Quality Health Index (AQHI), which provides information about the effects of air quality on health. Real-time data are publicly available through</p><p>This performance indicator shows the reliability of air quality monitoring network data collection as the percentage of annual hours with monitoring data available for the following priority pollutants: ground-level ozone, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, fine particulate matter, and carbon monoxide. Instruments in the network may have down-time due to instrument malfunction, maintenance, repair, power outage or when instruments are being calibrated and checked. Metro Vancouver works to minimize this interruption of data and aims to exceed a nationally recognized performance benchmark of 95% data completeness.<br></p></div>Reliability of Air Quality Monitoring Network (% of annual hours with monitoring data available for priority pollutants)​​

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<div class="ExternalClass5E44A84E9614462D82FAD7C40E547DBD"><p>​of annual hours with monitoring data available for priority pollutants</p></div>97%78Air Quality

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