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Grease Interceptor Resources


​Grease interceptors only work when they are properly installed and maintained.

 Bylaw requirements



Food Sector Bylaw No. 365, 2023, Food Sector Bylaw No. 365, 2023Food Sector Bylaw No. 365, 2023<div class="ExternalClass45EA61FAE7BD459AB4DE1E248A81F9FC"><p>Official version of Food Sector Grease Interceptor Bylaw No.365, 2023, which includes grease interceptor re​​quirements for sizing, maintenance and fees.​<br></p></div>
Approved Grease Interceptor Selection Methodology, Approved Grease Interceptor Selection MethodologyApproved Grease Interceptor Selection Methodology<div class="ExternalClass4E95A44A949E49F6A235347D574C4F88"><p><span id="ms-rterangepaste-start"></span>This document explains how to choose a grease interceptor with the correct rated flow capacity (i.e. correct size of interceptor) for the fixtu​​<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span>res that will be connected to it, based on bylaw requirements for commercial kitchens.​<span id="ms-rterangepaste-end"></span><br></p></div>




Grease and Commercial Kitchens Brochure (English), Grease and Commercial Kitchens Brochure (English)Grease and Commercial Kitchens Brochure (English)
Grease and Commercial Kitchens Brochure (Chinese Simplified), Grease and Commercial Kitchens Brochure (Chinese Simplified)Grease and Commercial Kitchens Brochure (Chinese Simplified)
Grease and Commercial Kitchens Brochure (Chinese Traditional), Grease and Commercial Kitchens Brochure (Chinese Traditional)Grease and Commercial Kitchens Brochure (Chinese Traditional)
Grease and Commercial Kitchens Brochure (Punjabi), Grease and Commercial Kitchens Brochure (Punjabi)Grease and Commercial Kitchens Brochure (Punjabi)
Grease and Commercial Kitchens Brochure (Hindi), Grease and Commercial Kitchens Brochure (Hindi)Grease and Commercial Kitchens Brochure (Hindi)
Grease and Commercial Kitchens Brochure (Tagalog), Grease and Commercial Kitchens Brochure (Tagalog)Grease and Commercial Kitchens Brochure (Tagalog)
Grease and Commercial Kitchens Brochure (Persian), Grease and Commercial Kitchens Brochure (Persian)Grease and Commercial Kitchens Brochure (Persian)
Grease and Commercial Kitchens Brochure (Korean), Grease and Commercial Kitchens Brochure (Korean)Grease and Commercial Kitchens Brochure (Korean)

 Guides and tools



Grease Interceptor Cleaning Guide - For Service Providers, Grease Interceptor Cleaning Guide - For Service ProvidersGrease Interceptor Cleaning Guide - For Service Providers
Online Grease Interceptor Selection (Sizing) Tool, Online Grease Interceptor Selection (Sizing) ToolOnline Grease Interceptor Selection (Sizing) Tool




Grease Interceptor Installation Plan – Request for Review, Grease Interceptor Installation Plan – Request for ReviewGrease Interceptor Installation Plan – Request for Review<div class="ExternalClass3425FB3843474847ACEC428A21FB3440"><p>Fill in t<span id="ms-rterangepaste-start"></span>​<span id="ms-rterangepaste-end"></span>his fo​​rm when requesting Metro Vancouver's review of your grease interceptor installation plan​.​<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span><span id="ms-rterangepaste-end"></span><br></p></div>
Grease Interceptor Service Record Form, Grease Interceptor Service Record FormGrease Interceptor Service Record Form<div class="ExternalClass3184C2E426E84876B56502E5A61CCA0C"><p><span id="ms-rterangepaste-start"></span>Form for operators of commercial kitchens to record details when a grease interceptor is serviced, including date of servici​<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span>ng, service provider, type of servicing and measurement of materials in the interceptor.​<span id="ms-rterangepaste-end"></span><br></p></div>

 Related links



Grease interceptor sizing tool, Grease interceptor sizing toolGrease interceptor sizing tool
Current Waste Discharge Permits, Current Waste Discharge PermitsCurrent Waste Discharge Permits

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