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Input Welcome on the Regional Food System UpdateInput Welcome on the Regional Food System Update<div class="ExternalClass7A16A8FAC7C542818769F8E3502B5E04"><p>​​​Metro Vancouver is updating the 2011 Regional Food System Strategy — a guiding document for a sustainable, resilient, and healthy food system.</p><p>​​We’re seeking input from those involved throughout the regional food system including growers, packaging, distribution, retail, businesses, farmers, and community-based organizations. What has changed in your sector over the past 10 to 15 years? What are your perspectives on the current issues, challenges, and successes as we look to the future?</p></div>Online9/11/2024 7:00:00 AM12/1/2024 7:55:00 AMfoodsystems@metrovancouver.org, Regional Food System Strategy Update*19aa4ym*_ga*MTQwOTI5MzQ2MC4xNjgyMzYxNTcw*_ga_GKFPPTV5X1*MTcyNjE3MDY2Ni4xMDY5LjEuMTcyNjE3MjA5MC4wLjAuMA.., Complete a surveyMetro Vancouver

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