On the Go | | On the Go | <div class="ExternalClass07AF6882D72244219E07315B504EE4C9"><p><h3 class="bangers">Choose reusable items that seal tightly</h3> to prevent spills or leaks into your bag.<br></p></div> | | #877ebb |
On the Go | | On the Go | <div class="ExternalClass9254078C379A46FDA3C9420FFD9A85DC"><p>If you drive, <h3 class="bangers">keep several reusable bags in your car</h3> and remember to store them there after each use. These can be used when grocery shopping, visiting shops, and picking up takeout, etc.<br></p></div> | | #e5cf62 |
On the Go | | On the Go | <div class="ExternalClass376D4FA5F3B6431F97F2C16B02989197"><p>Make a habit of cleaning your cutlery, mug, and straw</h3><h3 class="bangers">with your dinner dishes</h3> each evening and put them in one easy to find and organized location.<br></p></div> | | #b9d56a |
On the Go | | On the Go | <div class="ExternalClassF831CE76BA5248FC9A3E9C6B96DD80EA"><p>Don’t be caught off-guard! If you tend to forget to bring reusables when you go out, leave a reminder on your fridge, a sticky note by the door, or set a reminder on your phone.<br></p></div> | https://metrovancouver.org/superhabits/PublishingImages/burst-reminder.png, Reminder
https://metrovancouver.org/superhabits/PublishingImages/burst-reminder.png | #3eb76b |
On the Go | | On the Go | <div class="ExternalClassFBD30CF4991F49D78810DAD21E1A1895"><p>At the grocery store, <h3 class="bangers">don’t use plastic produce bags.</h3> Keep produce items loose or opt for a reusable mesh bag instead.<br></p></div> | | #f395a7 |
On the Go | | On the Go | <div class="ExternalClassC94DFFE4B59A433681C1DD08BC9B7B60"><p>Carry your groceries in reusable washable tote bags. Unlock a new power by learning to bag your groceries like a pro. (Google “how to bag groceries” for tips!)<br></p></div> | https://metrovancouver.org/superhabits/PublishingImages/burst-backpack.png, Resusable Bags
https://metrovancouver.org/superhabits/PublishingImages/burst-backpack.png | #877ebb |
On the Go | | On the Go | <div class="ExternalClass02D0D3ECF7574A1189107B32E744A428"><p>Use a reusable mug for your on-the-go coffee. <br></p></div> | https://metrovancouver.org/superhabits/PublishingImages/burst-cup.png, Mug
https://metrovancouver.org/superhabits/PublishingImages/burst-cup.png | #e5cf62 |
On the Go | | On the Go | <div class="ExternalClassABBE9A2CA1EE49A19FF8D3FB38E2B43F"><p>Bringing home leftovers or getting takeout? Ask for your order to be put in as few containers as possible, or bring your own container. <a href="https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/health/keeping-bc-healthy-safe/food-safety-security/policy_on_the_use_of_reusable_containers_2022_02.pdf" target="_blank">Learn more</a> about using your own container at food premises in BC.<br></p></div> | https://metrovancouver.org/superhabits/PublishingImages/burst-container.png, Containers
https://metrovancouver.org/superhabits/PublishingImages/burst-container.png | #b9d56a |
On the Go | | On the Go | <div class="ExternalClass6C9A47049D334D4B9B215A386365B2DB"><p>If you are having a picnic, <h3 class="bangers">bring along reusable cups, utensils, and metal straws,</h3> if needed. Make sure you bring enough for everyone, or ask your fellow picnickers to bring their own reusables.<br></p></div> | | #3eb76b |
On the Go | | On the Go | <div class="ExternalClassB271EC54C9164AA390C86301789E072B"><p>Go strawless, or use a reusable straw if possible. (Many individuals with diverse abilities require flexible plastic straws for accessibility while drinking beverages.
<a href="/superhabits/about#accessibility">Find out more</a>.)
<br></p></div> | https://metrovancouver.org/superhabits/PublishingImages/burst-straws.png, Straws
https://metrovancouver.org/superhabits/PublishingImages/burst-straws.png | #f395a7 |
On the Go | | On the Go | <div class="ExternalClass172B5482095A4B70BE8BC6734102AA27"><p>Be prepared. Pack reusables in your backpack or bag ahead of time, and <h3 class="bangers">put it somewhere highly visible</h3> and convenient for leaving your home, like by your keys.<br></p></div> | | #877ebb |
On the Go | | On the Go | <div class="ExternalClass0C328EA027A84FABACB60F2BF57DF52C"><p><h3 class="bangers">Every superhero has a sidekick.</h3> Ask your family or those you live with for their support reducing single-use items, and make it a team effort.<br></p></div> | | #e5cf62 |
On the Go | | On the Go | <div class="ExternalClass8E9B2B9C9C2B447CAA2256E563961075"><p><h3 class="bangers">Never lose your favourite reusables.</h3> Label them with your contact information so that if you misplace them, you can be reached.<br></p></div> | | #b9d56a |
On the Go | | On the Go | <div class="ExternalClassB72656FCBE49488E8DB052CBB5D06311"><h3 class="bangers">Forgot your travel mug?</h3><p>Try a
<a href="/services/solid-waste/Documents/cup-and-container-share-programs-in-metro-vancouver.pdf" target="_blank" title="cup share service">cup share service</a>!<br></p>
<br> | | #3eb76b |
On the Go | | On the Go | <div class="ExternalClass57419C56EC6446C29D204A735F34593A"><p></p><h3 class="bangers">Getting food to go in a reusable container?<br></h3> Make sure it is visibly clean and in good condition.
<a href="https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/health/keeping-bc-healthy-safe/food-safety-security/policy_on_the_use_of_reusable_containers_2022_02.pdf" target="_blank" title="Learn More">Learn More</a> <p></p></div> | | #f395a7 |