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Superhabits at Home


Tips and tricks for reducing single-use items at home.

Home is the hub where many of our reusable items are stored. Here are tips for using those reusable items, and avoiding single-use.



At HomeAt Home<div class="ExternalClass59D247DDD2594973938EBCCFBFDA79B3"><p>Reduce utensil spam! ​​When ordering takeout, opt for no cutlery or napkins included. (Check “no utensils” in your food delivery app, or request this when ordering over the phone.) U​​se reusable cutlery and napkins at home instead.​​<br></p></div>, Utensils
At HomeAt Home<div class="ExternalClass8E3002E9A77346F0A1F8F55F0582CF64"><p>When ordering out from a restaurant </p><h3 class="bangers">Request that your order is put in as few containers as possible.</h3>(<a href="/foodscraps/confusing-items">Find out how to dispose of takeout containers</a>.)​<br>​​​<br></div>#e5cf62
At HomeAt Home<div class="ExternalClass3221C428B1F64F58901048936A5A7326"><p>When packing lunches, </p><h3 class="bangers">use reusable containers, pouches, and cutlery.​<br></h3></div>#b9d56a
At HomeAt Home<div class="ExternalClass9046942F097C4E7795423391B1D0040A"><p>Make it a habit to wash your reusable mugs, containers, cutlery, and straw with the dinner dishes.<br></p></div>, Wash Reusables
At HomeAt Home<div class="ExternalClassD69949261CA149F3A4ECEDC8D030574F"><p></p><h3 class="bangers"></h3><span><h3 class="bangers">Keep your reusable shopping bags</h3> in a place that you will remember them, like with your keys, in your backpack, or in your car.</span>​<br><p></p></div>#f395a7
At HomeAt Home<div class="ExternalClass5748EC53CC3C4651BAFF33069C6284BC"><p><h3 class="bangers">When hosting or entertaining,</h3> use reusable instead of single-use. If you don’t have enough cutlery or tableware, consider renting reusable instead of buying single-use. Or, consider a BYOC party, and have guests bring their own cutlery!<br></p></div>#877ebb
At HomeAt Home<div class="ExternalClass3A8B1BC1179B4A2690FE4AD710E2105A"><p><h3 class="bangers">Every superhero has a sidekick.</h3> Ask your friends and family or those you live with for their support reducing single-use items, and make it a team effort.<br></p></div>#e5cf62
At HomeAt Home<div class="ExternalClass7749D0A2159648B1AC1A6936E7D38F35"> ​<h3 class="bangers">When ordering takeout,</h3> try a <a href="/services/solid-waste/Documents/cup-and-container-share-programs-in-metro-vancouver.pdf" target="_blank" title="container share service">container share service</a>.<br></div>#b9d56a

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