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Corporate Climate Policies


​​​​​Climate 2050 is closely linked to Metro Vancouver’s other plans and policies. For example, a series of Board supported policies guide decision making for the corporation, and some of these policies specifically enable climate action. Metro Vancouver’s current climate-related policies are provided below.

Any questions a​bout these policies can be directed to the Climate 2050 project team​.​​



Sewage and Waste: Heat Recovery Policy, Sewage and Waste: Heat Recovery PolicySewage and Waste: Heat Recovery Policy<div class="ExternalClassC4020BE3B39F4CDC9E87C9CBD86DBD81"><p>Enables the use of waste heat and associated greenhouse gas emission reductions from Metro Vancouver’s liquid waste and solid waste systems by external parties.​</p></div>
Energy Management Policy, Energy Management PolicyEnergy Management Policy<div class="ExternalClass4E00BC46A02647B8BF541BCB2780B54D"><p>Defines the objectives for managing energy in Metro Vancouver operations and activities and provides the principles and criteria to develop an Energy Management System consistent with Metro Vancouver’s ongoing commitments to carbon neutrality and fiscal responsibility.​</p></div>
Fleet Planning and Acquisition Policy, Fleet Planning and Acquisition PolicyFleet Planning and Acquisition Policy<div class="ExternalClass0A4606E7AEA947DAAA89BF0034D32AFD"><p>Provides direction and guidance on planning and acquiring Metro Vancouver’s Fleet assets including achieving continuous improvement in reducing fleet greenhouse gas emissions​</p></div>
Carbon Price Policy, Carbon Price PolicyCarbon Price Policy<div class="ExternalClass082D3EDF5DF444E58B2EB1446FDAC419"><p>Establishes a price on Applicable Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions, and enables the value of those GHG emissions to be incorporated into Life Cycle Cost Analyses for Metro Vancouver projects or initiatives.​</p></div>
Sustainable Infrastructure and Buildings Policy, Sustainable Infrastructure and Buildings PolicySustainable Infrastructure and Buildings Policy<div class="ExternalClassC8577D757F4E4D868218E55AB75AE2ED"><p>Establishes standards for sustainable design and construction of Metro Vancouver infrastructure and buildings.​</p></div>
Sustainable Infrastructure and Buildings Policy and Design Guide, Sustainable Infrastructure and Buildings Policy and Design GuideSustainable Infrastructure and Buildings Policy and Design Guide<div class="ExternalClassCDE80BA2B8914DB5AED97807758C8405"><p>The Sustainable Infrastructure and Buildings Policy sets standards for sustainable design, construction and retrofitting of Metro Vancouver's infrastructure and buildings. The accompanying Design Guide provides additional details on performance standards for key areas of sustainability and climate action, and pathways for projects to meet these standards.​</p></div>


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