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About Climate 2050


Metro Vancouver’s Climate 2050 is a strategy that will guide climate change policy and action for Metro Vancouver for the next 30 years. In turn, policies set by Metro Vancouver create change for organizations, agencies and people across the region.

​Metro Vancouver and other organizations have been active in climate action for twenty years, but we need to do more. Climate 2050 will prioritize and accelerate climate action in the region.​



Role and Authority for Managing GHGs, Role and Authority for Managing GHGsRole and Authority for Managing GHGs, Role and Authority
Corporate Climate Policies, Corporate Climate PoliciesCorporate Climate Policies, Corporate Policies
Collaboration and Local Expertise, Collaboration and Local ExpertiseCollaboration and Local Expertise, Collaboration Expertise

​Interested in staying up-to-date on climate initiatives in Metro Vancouver?

We periodically send direct invitations via the Climate 2050 mailing list to participate in a free webinar, review and provide input on draft policies, or to access new resources. Keep in touch through the following channels.

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