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Collaboration and Local Expertise


Leadership, Collaboration, and Local Expertise​

Metro Vancouver and other orders of governments play a role in establishing policies, delivering programs, and setting regulations. As a regional federation, Metro Vancouver has a leadership role to innovate and demonstrate best practices, convene member jurisdictions to collaborate on joint initiatives, and liaise with other orders of government.

Our region has become a hub for innovators, businesses, and professionals working on sustainability and climate change solutions. Climate 2050 will draw upon local and traditional knowledge from experts in the region, as well as global best practices.

Metro Vancouver recognizes the following strategic partners:​​​



Federal governmentFederal government<div class="ExternalClassAA4DCA39422D49D9B81BDB4552964BB5"><p>The Federal Government has jurisdiction over policies to set standards and regulate the design and manufacture of many products that directly or indirectly contribute greenhouse gas emissions (e.g., vehicles, appliances, buildings, industrial and commercial equipment). It is responsible for regulating emissions for ports, airports and rail corridors and shipping lanes. In 2016, the Federal Government adopted the <a href="" target="_blank">Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change</a> as the national climate change plan. The Framework sets a national carbon price to help drive down greenhouse gas emissions, and establishes funding mechanisms, including the Clean Energy Fund, the Green Infrastructure Fund, the Clean Growth Program, and the Low Carbon Economy Fund.<br></p></div>
First NationsFirst Nations<div class="ExternalClassD9B5241B2FB74A94A178C665C18133A0"><p>First Nations in the Metro Vancouver region provide services to their communities that will be impacted by climate change. Some First Nations in the region have adopted sustainability and/or land use plans that include a response to climate change such as protection and restoration of marine, coastal, and terrestrial ecosystems.</p>​<br></div>
Provincial governmentProvincial government<div class="ExternalClass16FEF90D18E54E28BF94FA2959A3565B"><p>The Provincial Government has a significant influence on greenhouse gas emissions through policy and regulation in the areas of energy, transportation, buildings, forestry and industry. Funding for large infrastructure projects such as roads, bridges, transit, and dikes are critical for preparing for climate impacts, and project design can reduce emissions. Find current actions by the <a href="" target="_blank">Province of BC</a>.<br></p></div>
MunicipalitiesMunicipalities<div class="ExternalClass23079F4BBBA74BF3BE93F81CA791DB87"><p>Municipalities are responsible for land-use policy and for investments in transportation, sewer, water, and other infrastructure. They are also responsible for enforcing the BC Building Code and can adopt the BC Energy Step Code to encourage lower carbon buildings.</p><p> Municipalities also have a key role in preparing for the impacts of climate change, including investments in storm water infrastructure and dikes, and responding to emergencies such as flooding in their communities.</p><p>Many municipalities have adopted climate action plans and are taking actions to ensure communities are adapting to climate change and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.</p><p>All of the municipalities in Metro Vancouver have shown leadership by signing the BC Climate Action Charter for local governments.​<br></p></div>
TranslinkTranslink<div class="ExternalClass7AF7351057A546DF8F4DDE0824DB0011"><p>TransLink is responsible for long-term investments in regional transit as well as road and bridge infrastructure that enable low carbon transportation options. It is also responsible for regional transportation demand management programs that encourage residents to choose low carbon forms of transportation. Through its management of, and investment in, the transit fleet TransLink can also reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transit vehicles.</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">Find current initiativ<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span>es from TransLink </a></p></div>
Energy utilitiesEnergy utilities<div class="ExternalClassE3AFBB78552C4998AA24B8E782B608FF"><p>Energy utilities in the region (e.g. BC Hydro and Fortis BC) are responsible for energy supply and distribution. They are responsible for programs and infrastructure investments that will increase the supply of low carbon energy to the region. They administer energy conservation incentives to encourage residents and businesses to reduce their energy demand and indirectly reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Energy utilities ensure that the energy infrastructure both inside and outside the region is resilient to the impacts of climate change.</p>​<br></div>
Local government leadershipLocal government leadership<div class="ExternalClass359E50E75B4E4314BF7247282A0ED43A"><p>While federal governments are building an international consensus on climate action, local governments are working in our communities to respond to climate change. Organizations link local governments together to share information and best practices, reaffirm commitments, and advocate for change. Some of the leading organizations are described below.</p><p> <a href="" target="_blank">C40 Cities Climate Leadership</a> – A network of the world’s megacities that are committed to addressing global climate change, C40 supports cities to collaborate effectively, share knowledge and drive meaningful, measurable and sustainable action on climate change. C40 currently has 17 networks that cover the mitigation, adaptation and sustainability topics that are of highest priority to C40 cities and that have the potential for the greatest climate impact. </p><p> <span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><a href="" target="_blank"><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span>BC Municipal Climate Leadership Council (BCMCLC) </a> – A group of Mayors and Councillors from large and small communities across BC who have volunteered to help other locally elected officials advance climate action through leadership that goes beyond politics as usual. The Council provides non-partisan education, support and mentoring for peers on the value of taking climate action in their communities.</p><p> <a href="" target="_blank">Federation of Canadian Municipalities</a> – Partners for Climate Protection Program is a network of 350 Canadian municipal governments that have committed to reducing greenhouse gases and acting on climate change. A five-milestone process guides members through the process of creating greenhouse gas inventories, setting reduction targets, developing local action plans, implementing actions, and monitoring and reporting on results.</p><p> <a href="" target="_blank">Climate Mayors </a> – Climate Mayors (i.e., the Mayors National Climate Action Agenda) is a Mayor-to-Mayor network of US Mayors collaborating on climate. Cities are pursuing actions to achieve their emissions reduction objectives through undertaking community greenhouse gas inventories, setting targets to reduce emissions, and developing climate action plans. </p><p> <a href="" target="_blank">Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy</a> – An international alliance of cities and local governments with a shared long-term vision of promoting and supporting voluntary action to combat climate change and move to a low emission, resilient society. This alliance serves cities and local governments by mobilizing and supporting ambitious, measurable, and planned climate and energy action in their communities. It emphasizes the importance of both climate change mitigation and adaptation, as well as increased access to clean and affordable energy. </p><p> <a href="" target="_blank">Building Adaptive & Resilient Com​munities (BARC) Network </a> – A network of Canadian communities, hosted by ICLEI Canada, which shares experience in responding to the impacts of climate change and strategies to protect the people, property, and prosperity of your community.</p></div>

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