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What to Do With Confusing Items

Food Scraps Recycling


​​Do you ever wonder if something should go in the green bin? Many types of food containers and packaging are made of more than one material, and these are the items that can be the most confusing to recycle. Find out what goes where below.​​

Find out more ​

Some materials that might seem to belong in the green bin, like pizza boxes and egg cartons, are accepted as part of Recycle BC’s program. Use the Waste Wizard tool on their website to find out if you should recycle them with your containers or paper, or take them to a depot.

If you have questions about a specific item, you can also try contacting your municipality or waste hauler.

If you’re still unsure if something goes in the green bin, play it safe and put it in the garbage.​​​​

Why keeping contaminants out of the green bin matters

Recycling compostable organic material helps local businesses turn your food scraps into valuable resources, like compost and biofuel. When inorganic materials like glass, metal, and plastic go in the green bin, they can cause operational problems, may not break down properly during processing, and may contaminate the finished compost. If the operator identifies plastic bags or other non-compostable materials in the green bin, the entire load may be rejected and sent to landfill.

That is why it is so important to make sure we keep all plastics out of the green bin, even those labelled “compostable” or “biodegradable.” Paper and wood products that have plastic or grease barriers should also stay out of the green bin. These products can be coated with the same polymers used for non-stick pans, so they should go in the garbage.

While recycling is good, reuse is better. Avoid the what-goes-where confusion by opting for reusable items whenever possible.

Learn more about food scraps recycling in Metro Vancouver.​

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