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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion


Vision and mission

Metro Vancouver’s vision is to be a leader in diversity, equity, and inclusion practices and an organization that embraces, celebrates, and empowers diversity. We are a workplace that fosters trust and safety where individuals have a sense of belonging and are encouraged to be their authentic selves.

Our mission is to be reflective of the region we serve and cultivate a diverse, safe, equitable, and inclusive work environment for all. We adapt practices and behaviours to mitigate bias and promote innovative and forward-thinking policies, processes, and programs.

​Other Metro Vancouver connected initiatives​​


Diversity, equity, and inclusion aren’t merely check boxes or standalone programs. Metro Vancouver strives to make these concepts mainstream and works to ensure they are integrated in our recruitment initiatives and processes, professional development opportunities and organizational culture. We also recognize that diversity is not only about gender, ethnicity and other visible differences; invisible differences such as life experiences, backgrounds, belief systems, working style preferences, and lifestyles play an equally important role.

In pursuit of our vision and mission, Metro Vancouver has identified four strategic priorities with commitment statements and corresponding action items. These four strategic priorities are:

​​​Inclusive culture and environment

To foster a culture of inclusion and remove barriers to participation.

Diverse partnerships and programs

To build diverse, inclusive and accessible programs and services.

Transformative education and awareness

To broaden m​indsets and advance important conversations.

​Transparent measuring and reporting

To inform decision making by assessing the ​progress of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiatives.




​​​CCDI membership​​​CCDI membership<div class="ExternalClass691387844F24407586AD4F8F7D85B5CB"><p>Metro Vancouver is an employer partner with the Canadian Centre of Diversity and Inclusion (CCDI). This ensures Metro Vancouver is connected to a broad network of organizations committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Our employees have ​access to the virtual library, toolkits, articles, webinars, and networking and learning events.<br></p></div>
DEI learning seriesDEI learning series<div class="ExternalClassD5A7DAD9433740218DA2B1BBCA02EC74"><p>​​​​Metro Vancouver is committed to equipping our employees with the knowledge and skills to embed diversity, equity, and inclusion into their everyday work. This includes a progressive learning series that strives to promote awareness, dialogue, and advance important conversations focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion topics for all leaders and employees.​<br></p></div>
Inclusive spacesInclusive spaces<div class="ExternalClassF2A33D737A834D5A808941165586618D"><p>At our head office location, we have two Multi-Faith rooms that are dedicated spaces for prayer and observance of faith; a comfortable Parent​ room for nursing parents; and Quiet rooms on each floor for noise-free activities.<br></p></div>

​​​ ​​​​​​

Employee groups

Metro Vancouver recognizes that diversity, equity, and inclusion practices and initiatives require shared accountability. We have multiple employee groups that have a key role in advancing our diversity, equity, and inclusion strategy.​



Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Champions NetworkDiversity, Equity, and Inclusion Champions Network<div class="ExternalClass0654C62F370543FDA0C47DB86C6E68D0"><p>The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Champions Network is our formal cross-departmental structure for advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives aligned with our strategic priorities. This network has executive sponsorship, an advisory committee, and opportunities for meaningful contributions for these initiatives through participation on a working group.​​<br></p></div>
Advocates for Women in Science, Technology, Trades, Engineering, and Math (AWSTTEM) Gr​oupAdvocates for Women in Science, Technology, Trades, Engineering, and Math (AWSTTEM) Gr​oup<div class="ExternalClass8303F25BE05041BF8980E29F963452F6"><p>An employee led initiative with a focus on women to achieve excellence and increase representation in Science, Technology, Trades, Engineering and Math fields at Metro Vancouver. As an employee group, AWSTTEM focuses on creating connection, promoting communication, building a support environment for women, and organizing events.​</p></div>
Emerging Professionals GroupEmerging Professionals Group<div class="ExternalClass0F8215B18211401A99F5009A727700DC"><p>​​An employee led group of emerging professionals at Metro Vancouver with a focus on connecting, supporting, and developing relationships across the organization. This network of emerging professionals hosts thematic discussions and after-work networking activities. With a focus on professional development, this group provides its members with helpful tools and resources.<br></p></div>


Employment programs​

Metro Vancouver is committed to attracting and recruiting a diverse workforce that is reflective of the region we serve. We intentionally design talent diversification programs and initiatives that support us in this goal. In addition to the below programs, we also collaborate with many post-secondary institutions and employment organizations as part of talent acquisition activities. This includes participating at career fairs and employment events.



Canadian Work Experience ProgramCanadian Work Experience Program<div class="ExternalClassC556740FF7594FE2B6A62A70162FC328"><p>The Canadian Work Experience Program provides internationally trained professionals that are new to Canada with a low barrier opportunity to gain their first Canadian work experience. Through a partnership with MOSAIC, Metro Vancouver is able to help facilitate temporary work placements for newcomers.​ Many of the participants move on to find meaningful permanent employment after this experience. This partnership and program serves to strengthen the local labour market and reduce systemic challenges faced by newcomers to Canada.<br></p></div>
Internationally Trained Engineers ProgramInternationally Trained Engineers Program<div class="ExternalClass2E755A494F75433B8271B6969DFF1484"><p>The Internationally Trained Engineers Program provides up to 12 months of engineering experience to support internationally trained engineers with their Professional Engineer application with Engineers and Geoscientists BC. Eligible participants must have their Engineer-in-Training (EIT) designation or be eligible to receive their EIT designation within program specifications.<br></p></div>

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