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Vancouver Landfill Facility Tour for Schools


Grades 5–12, one bus maximum per booking
Vancouver Landfill, Delta
​60 - 90 minutes, available Wednesdays and Thursday​s at 10:00 am

Where does your waste go? How does it get there? What happens at the Vancouver Landfill?

On this engaging tour, students discover how technology and a skilled team combine to operate the Vancouver Landfill – where 70% of Metro Vancouver’s waste is received annually. Students will get to know the Zero Waste Centre, the Composting Facility, the ‘active face’ of the landfill, and how landfill gas is captured and upgraded to renewable natural gas quality​. Be inspired to rethink waste and to reduce waste at home and at school.

Vancouver Landfill – Overview

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For questions about this facility tour:​

  • Email
  • 604-432-6200​​​​


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