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Facility Tours for Schools
| Metro Vancouver



Regional Parks for Schools, Regional ParksRegional Parks for Schools<div class="ExternalClass6D7821B7F1D0411F9926519A64772E29"><p>Field trips that connect students to nature and the natural systems we depend on every day. Gr K–4 ​<br></p></div>
Watersheds for Schools, WatershedsWatersheds for Schools<div class="ExternalClassB31109CBB34441178F391641F95CCF4D">Field trips and programs to discover how Metro Vancouver's pristine mountain watersheds are connected to students' home and school. Gr 4, 5, 8, 10<br></div>
Facility Tours for Schools, Facility ToursFacility Tours for Schools<div class="ExternalClassFE1C6F15217E4A35A693B6A0CE698953"><p>Tours of local water treatment, wastewater treatment, and waste management facilities. Gr 5–10</p>​ </div>




Vancouver Landfill Facility Tour for Schools, Vancouver LandfillVancouver Landfill Facility Tour for Schools<div class="ExternalClassF042DC3D11904AFCA96A1484BC880B7D"><p>Tour this waste management facility to discover where your garbage goes and explore how waste can be reduced at home and at school. Grade 5<span>–1</span>2​<br></p></div>
Waste-to-Energy Facility Tour for Schools, Waste to EnergyWaste-to-Energy Facility Tour for Schools<div class="ExternalClass1AAB088C724942408172A8CDABE62A33"><p>Tour the facility where 25 percent of Metro Vancouver’s garbage is turned into enough electricity to power 16,000 homes each year. Grade 5​<br>(SUSPENDED for 2024-2025​)<br></p></div>
Wastewater Treatment Plant Facility Tour for Schools, Wastewater Treatment PlantWastewater Treatment Plant Facility Tour for Schools<div class="ExternalClass1FEBDDC76ACF40DDB6F086BF251A740C"><p>Tour a wastewater treatment plant with your class to explore how liquid waste is collected and treated in our region. Grade 5<span>–</span>​12​​<br></p></div>


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