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Are you a high-school student in Metro Vancouver looking to make a difference in your school community?

​​Metro Vancouver’s Youth4Action Programs support high school youth to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to inspire sustainability and livability.

Through place-based inquiry-learning, leadership, innovation, and collaborative action, Youth4Action celebrates the unique ability of youth as leaders to influence sustainability at school and beyond. Participating youth are introduced to a diverse regional network of sustainability champions, including students, teachers, and other youth leadership supporters.

Youth4Action is committed to the principles of justice, equity, diversity and inclusion. We value the leadership of people who have been historically marginalized and encourage racialized, Indigenous, persons with disabilities, and members of the LGBTQA12+ community to apply to be part of the Youth4Action Regional Ambassador Program.

Inspiring Sustainability in Metro Vancouver Schools and Beyond

Youth4Action supports participating youth through active and collaborative learning and leadership programs to make an impact for a more equitable, prosperous, and sustainable region and planet.​



Youth4Action Collaborative Action and Mentorship Programs, Youth4Action Collaborative Action and Mentorship ProgramsYouth4Action Collaborative Action and Mentorship Programs<div class="ExternalClass430C4C054EA54974966C53E80F1A0342"><p>​​​​Programs that emphasize teamwork, participation, and collaborative action for sustainability. ​​<br></p></div>, Youth4Action Collaborative Action and Mentorship Programs
Youth4Action Workshops, Youth4Action WorkshopsYouth4Action Workshops<div class="ExternalClassFB515DA2FA5849529637E34AB29B2747">Opportunities that empower, connect, and inspire student leaders to take action.​<br></div>, Youth4Action Workshops
Youth4Action Events, Youth4Action EventsYouth4Action Events<div class="ExternalClass5D3A30B3341A43F58796EE006EDB12F0">Fun, experiential learning events on sustainability issues relevant to students in Metro Vancouver. ​<br></div>, Youth4Action Events

Hear what Youth4Action Leaders are saying​

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Eli Hacker, Langley School DistrictEli Hacker, Langley School District<div class="ExternalClass7A40AC6488FD40C49EF9515AD0DA3CA4"><p>“I love working with the Youth4Action circle, because it is such a positive space. It offers the unique opportunity to connect, grow and laugh alongside other passionate, like-minded people from across Metro Vancouver. The Youth4Action leadership team does a wonderful job facilitating connections with student leaders and the experts working for our region, creating valuable discourse, and unique learning opportunities. I can’t recommend it enough!”​<br></p></div>,
Caris Truong, Coquitlam School DistrictCaris Truong, Coquitlam School District<div class="ExternalClassDDA3D45B0F4C441F9F56DBD382641866"><p>“Being a part of Youth4Action has been an empowering and invaluable experience. This program has connected me with a network of like-minded youth across the region, increased my sustainability leadership capacity, and taught me to view my community through an action-oriented lens. The inspiration I received from other youth, the resources and knowledge I gained from Y4A workshops, the opportunities I have been given to practice leadership skills, and the unwavering support from Y4A facilitators, have equipped me to influence sustainability in my community.”​<br></p></div>, Caris Truong
Julie Wang, Independent SchoolJulie Wang, Independent School<div class="ExternalClass63F8F197B3994F4FBF46FE2F527812B1"><p>“I love the friendships I have formed and it is great that all of us are truly working to strive together for a common goal. It feels amazing to be involved and I hope that everyone can get a taste of how inspiring Youth4Action leadership programs are!”​<br></p></div>, Julie Wang


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