2 Water Restrictions
Lawn Watering
Prohibited as of August 4
Our water use can increase by 50% in summer and early fall, largely due to lawn watering. The region‑wide watering restrictions are an effective way to help us use our drinking water wisely.
Stage 1 Restrictions
Residential lawn watering allowed:
Even-numbered addresses on Saturdays
Odd-numbered addresses on Sundays
- Automatic watering: 5:00 am - 7:00 am
- Manual watering: 6:00 am - 9:00 am
Watering trees, shrubs, and flowers is permitted any day from 5:00 am to 9:00 am if using a sprinkler, or any time if hand watering or using drip irrigation. All hoses must have an automatic shut-off device.
Edible plants are exempt from restrictions.
Non-residential lawn watering allowed:
Even-numbered addresses on Mondays
Odd-numbered addresses on Tuesdays
- Automatic watering: 4:00 am - 6:00 am
- Manual watering: 6:00 am - 9:00 am
Watering trees, shrubs, and flowers is permitted any day from 4:00 am to 9:00 am if using a sprinkler, or any time if hand watering or using drip irrigation. All hoses must have an automatic shut-off device.
Edible plants are exempt from restrictions.
Lawn watering restrictions are in effect May 1 to October 15
Metro Vancouver’s
Drinking Water Conservation Plan is a regional policy developed with local governments and other stakeholders to manage the use of drinking water during periods of high demand.
The full list of water use restrictions for homes, businesses, governments, and schools for Stages 1 to 4 is available in the
Drinking Water Conservation Plan Summary.
These restrictions do not apply to the use of rain water, gray water, any forms of recycled water, or other sources of water outside the GVWD/municipal water supply system.