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Solid Waste and Recycling Industry Advisory Committee


Project overview​

The Solid Waste and Recycling Industry Advisory Committee (IAC) was formed to support Metro Vancouver in management planning, operations and policy issues related to solid waste and recycling services in the Metro Vancouver region, as well as the ongoing solid waste management plan update. The purpose of the IAC is to act as a forum through which industry representatives receive information, provide advice, and channel feedback.


The IAC will include an unlimited number of members representing two groups:

  • private waste and recycling collection and processing companies, and
  • industry associations affected by existing and proposed operational and policy items related to solid waste and recycling plans, policies and services within Metro Vancouver.

The IAC Terms of Reference outlines that IAC membership will:

  • be voluntary,
  • carry a one-year team, and
  • be self-selecting through an annual open call that Metro Vancouver will hold.

The first IAC meeting of the 2024 membership committee will be held on March 5, 2024 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm

For questions please contact


2024 meeting schedule

View the livestream

For in-person meetings, please email Solid Waste Operations below, two weeks in advance of the meeting to receive meeting information if you want to attend as an observer.




  • Email​​​​​​

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