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Reports and Operational Certificate


Waste-to-Energy F​acility operational certificate

Metro Vancouver’s Waste-to-Energy Facility is regulated by the BC Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy through an Operational Certificate, seen below, which sets requirements for the facility’s operation.

As of December 3, 2020, the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy amended the Operational Certificate to defer the reduction in discharge limits for sulphur dioxide and hydrogen chloride to March 3, 2025, and to clarify the criteria for defining start-up and shut-down periods for the purpose of emission reporting.

Metro Vancouver has initiated additional ambient air monitoring at two locations where modelling predicted highest potential ambient air concentrations. Monitoring data is available below, along with ​key consultant reports related to the Operational Certificate Amendment.

Waste-to-Energy Facility reports

​Metro Vancouver provides monthly and annual reports to the BC Ministry of Environment.

Continuous emissions monitoring - monthly

The following reports show historical daily averages of the Continuous Emissions Monitoring System data, updated once per month.​​

Manual emissions stack testing - quarterly and annual

The following reports show quarterly and annual manual stack test results. Some parameters are measured and reported 4 times a year while volatile organic compounds are measured and reported once per year as specified in the Operational Certificate.​​

Fly ash management

Fly ash consists of fine particulates that are captured in the Waste-to-Energy Facility's air pollution control system. These particulates are a mixture of ash from the combustion process and lime and carbon which are added to capture acid gases and mercury. Before being transported and disposed, fly ash is treated to reduce the potential of certain heavy metals to leach out – this is done by chemically binding the metals in the fly ash.

Fly ash is removed from the air pollution control system and stored in a silo. From there, it is periodically loaded to a trailer, from which a sample of the ash is collected and tested. Once test results are received back from the lab confirming the fly ash is non-hazardous, the ash is disposed of at a landfill. Reports are posted quarterly.

 Fly Ash Management Plan

Bottom ash management

Bottom ash is the non-combustible residue left over after waste is combusted. Bottom ash is collected in the bottom of the boilers and is removed via a conveyor system. As the bottom ash travels along the conveyor, ferrous metal is removed using a magnetic belt. The metal is sold to the local recycled metals market. The remaining bottom ash is disposed at the Vancouver Landfill.

Bottom ash is the non-combustible residue left over after waste is combusted. Bottom ash is collected in the bottom of the boilers and is removed via a conveyor system. As the bottom ash travels along the conveyor, ferrous metal is removed using a magnetic belt. The metal is sold to the local recycled metals market. The remaining bottom ash is disposed at the Vancouver Landfill.

 Bottom Ash Management Plan​​

 Bottom Ash Management Plan - Confirmation of Acceptability (2021-05-20)​​

Bottom ash reports - weekly​​

Operating reports - monthly

Monthly reports include Continuous Emissions Monitoring System data and performance, information on responses to any discharge contaminant exceedances and response limits, instances of and responses to combustion temperature falling below the required minimum, and other operational events and responses that occurred during the reporting period. Monthly reports also summarize any complaints received and responses by Metro Vancouver.

Reports from 2017 or earlier can be requested by contacting the Metro Vancouver Info Centre at​​

Operating reports - annual

Annual reports include general summaries of information contained in monthly operating reports, summaries of Continuous Emissions Monitoring System and manual stack test emissions data, emissions monitoring calibration data, compliance and complaints information, overview of plant performance, and other operational information.

Reports from 2017 or earlier can be requested by contacting the Metro Vancouver Info Centre at

Metro Vancouver GVS&DD board meeting reports​

Waste-to-Energy Facility i​nternet publication plan

The Internet Publication Plan describes the public website for Metro Vancouver’s Waste-to-Energy Facility, including website structure, content and implementation timeline. Required by and approved by the BC Ministry of Environment.

Interested in a closer look at Metro Vancouver's Waste-to-Energy Facility? Take a tour!

Book a school tour for grade 5 classes online below. To book a tour for university groups or other interested community groups, call 604-432-6200 or email

Book a school tour​​​​

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