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Transportation and land use in Metro Vancouver

Land use decisions influence the way people travel, how they experience their neighbourhood, impact the environment, and affect overall public health. In turn, transportation decisions influence the location, rate, and form of development, along with economic activity.

Metro Vancouver works closely with member jurisdictions, TransLink, other orders of government, and other stakeholders to coordinate complex land use and transportation decisions. 

Transport 2050

Transportation and Metro 2050, the Regional Growth Strategy​

Through the Regional Growth Strategy, the policies and actions support the coordination of land use and transportation planning by encouraging action at many levels of government, such as:

  • Encouraging the reduction of parking requirements in new developments within urban centres and Frequent Transit Development Areas (FTDAs)
  • Locating land uses that generate frequent vehicle trips within urban centres and Frequent Transit Development Areas
  • Improving municipal infrastructure to support transit, carpooling, cycling, and walking
  • Assessing how new communities and infrastructure investments affect public health, including air quality and noise impacts
  • Supporting TransLink in implementing a regional goods movement strategy
  • Collaborating with provincial and federal governments to support safe and efficient goods movement by protecting rail rights-of-way and access points to navigable waterways

Through these measures and others, Metro Vancouver looks to build an accessible region that promotes its strategic economic importance and makes it a livable place.​​

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