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Regional Data Projections


Providing long range population, dwelling unit, and employment projections is a core service of Metro Vancouver and these long range projections support regional planning. These are provided to TransLink and Metro Vancouver utilities to support capital infrastructure planning. They are also available to member jurisdictions and other regional stakeholders to support regional and local transportation, housing, and community planning. Projections are a core component of supporting work towards achieving strategies and policies in the Regional Growth Strategy.

Projection modelling is intended to promote collaboration and consistency among provincial, regional, and municipal planning agencies and establish a common basis of information, assumptions, and growth, and policy implementation methods. Metro Vancouver prepares projections applicable to the following work:

  • Supporting regional water services and liquid waste utilities’ demand planning
  • Assisting TransLink's transportation demand modelling
  • References for local Official Community Plans
  • Fundamental inputs to Metro Vancouver's regional land use model

Updates to projections

Projections are revised periodically to provide revisions to the underlying modelling input data, methodological improvements, and to reflect updated base year data from a new census. Annual updates reflect the latest estimates based on modelling input data. This can include new data about vital statics, immigration policies, and information on likely future demographic and economic changes.

Population, dwelling unit, and employment projections

Providing long range population, dwelling unit, and employment projections is a core service of Metro Vancouver. These long range projections support planning throughout the region and help achieve the strategies and policies in Metro 2050, the Regional Growth Strategy. They also support capital infrastructure planning and are provided to member jurisdictions and other regional stakeholders to support transportation, housing, and community planning.

For more information on the methodology used to develop Metro Vancouver's growth projections, view:

Metro Vancouver Growth Projections – Methodology Report, 2021

Projections are revised periodically and updated annually to reflect the latest estimates based on new input data.​

Metro Vancouver growth projection tables

Metro Vancouver Growth Projections – 2024 Update​

Regional planning data catalogue

The Regional Planning Data Catalogue provides an overview of available data from Metro Vancouver. Please note that some data may be subject to a data sharing agreement.

To request further data or statistics, contact us.​

​​​ ​​Regional Planning Data Catalogue

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