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Industrial Lands and Employment


Metro Vancouver’s role

Metro Van​couver has an important role in protecting the region’s supply of industrial land and promote its efficient use. Metro 2050, the Regional Growth Strategy also encourages offices and other major developments to be located in urban centres and along the frequent transit network. Working with TransLink and the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority, the plan supports a strong, prosperous economy, job diversity, and an efficient goods movement network.

Metro Vancouver provides research and policy advice to advance practical and innovative forms of industrial planning and development throughout the region.

​​ ​​Regional Industrial La​nds Strategy

Regional Industrial Lands Strategy Executive Summary​​

How industrial lands support Metro Vancouver

Industrial lands are crucial to support a prosperous, sustainable regional economy and to provide space to accommodate the many industrial activities and services needed in a growing region. While representing just four per cent of the region’s land base, industrial lands accommodate over 25 per cent of the region’s total employment, and contribute to the region’s economic well-being, with important links to transportation, trade, and tax dollars.

In our port-based region, a significant amount of land is needed for container storage, freight forwarding, warehouses, and other distribution functions that keep the region connected to Canada and the rest of the world.

Metro Vancouver’s industrial lands are used mainly for:

  • Manufacturing, transportation/warehousing, wholesale trade, retail trade, and professional/technical services
  • Day-to-day needs of the region’s population, providing locations for services like vehicle repair, hotel laundry services, catering companies, breweries, and couriers

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