Be prepared for your hike:
• Wear appropriate footwear (no flip-flops, flimsy runners or heels)
• Take minimum 1 litre water
• Bring a snack (nuts or dried fruit is good)
• Bring a jacket (to keep warm & dry)
• Bring a cell-phone
BC AdventureSmart has produced a video with some tips on safely hiking the Grouse Grind Trail. View it here.
AEDs (automatic external defibrillators) are installed on the Grouse Grind Trail at the 1/4, 1/2 and 3/4 marks when the trail is open. If you see someone in cardiac arrest, call 9-1-1- first, then start CPR and follow the instructions on the AED unit.
* Please note: The AEDS are removed in the winter months when temperatures are low.