Climate Literacy in Metro Vancouver – a self-directed free learning program
Who’s it for? You!
Explore climate information at your own pace. Better understand how we affect the climate, and how a changing climate affects us. Find examples of what we are doing, and can do, to reduce emissions and prepare our communities for change. Gain the confidence to participate in conversations about solutions.
Human activities are responsible for the ongoing and increasing levels of greenhouse gas emissions that are warming our planet and driving climate change.
And we know that climate change is challenging our economy, environment, and health. But it’s also giving us an opportunity to rethink how we do things. By increasing our Climate Literacy, we’re all better prepared to face these challenges.
Start here to learn the foundation
Now that you know more about how we impact our climate, and how the changing climate impacts us
Learn about some of the effective actions for tackling climate change right here in our region.