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Cannabis Production and Processing


Engagement update

Thank you to everyone who submitted feedback on the regulatory proposals to manage emissions from cannabis production and processing. Metro Vancouver will consider all comments in the development of a proposed emission regulation for MVRD Board consideration. A summary of the feedback received was presented to the ​ ​MVRD Board in July ​2023 and can be viewed below.

Phase 2 Engagement Summary​​​

You can continue to provide feedback or ask questions about the proposals by emailing or by calling 604-432-6200.

Engagement on initial proposals was held from early 2019 to February 2021.​

As a result of what we heard, Metro Vancouver revised the initial proposals and held a second phase of engagement from August 2021 to February 1, 2022 based on an updated Discussion Paper.

Metro Vancouver is now closely collaborating with other orders of government as we continue to develop options to manage emissions from cannabis production and processing.

Impacts on air quality​

Emissions from cannabis production and processing include volatile organic compounds (VOC) that can contribute to the formation of harmful ground-level ozone and fine particulate matter. The reduction of VOC emissions is a key part of the Regional Ground-level Ozone Strategy for the Canadian Lower Fraser Valley.

The VOC from cannabis production and processing can also be odorous. Metro Vancouver and member jurisdictions have received many complaints about odorous emissions from cannabis production operations. The regulatory proposals include potential actions to reduce odorous emissions.

Metro Vancouver regulates the discharge of air emissions within the region through site-specific air permits, emission regulations that apply to groups of similar emission sources, and general bylaw provisions.

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  • Email ​​
  • 604-432-6200​​​

Cannabis Production ​Emissions Consultation
4515 Central Boulevard
Burnaby, BC V5H 0C6 ​​​​

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