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Air Aware and Small Sensors


Air Aware – Helping you understand small air sensors and how to use them


Air sensors are becoming smaller, more affordable, and easier to use and buy. Many people have turned to small air sensors to help identify how their local air quality compares to regional air quality, and when and where they might need to take action to reduce their exposure to pollution. However, not all sensors are created equal: some are more accurate than others, some have a limited life span, and some might not work well in cold or wet conditions. It’s important to research different types of small air sensors before buying one to make sure your sensor will work the way you want it to.

The information in these pages can help you understand how they work and how to choose which one is best for you.

Air Aware is a pilot project about small air sensors and how Metro Vancouver can support anyone interested in using them. You can learn more about the Air Aware project objectives and find detailed information on small air sensor performance in the Air Aware report, which will be published here when finalized.​​

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