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​​​​​​​​​​​​​Gift-Planning Tips​​

For many Metro Vancouverites, it is hard to know what gifts people want — even their close friends and family. In a 2023 survey, nearly 30% of adults said they received a gift from family members that they did not like. Gifts that miss the mark often end up gathering dust, being donated, or being thrown in the garbage or recycling.

Instead, find out what your gift recipients need and want before you shop. Mindful planning enables you to give memorable gifts that people will use and cherish. Instead of focusing just on surprise, prioritize thoughtfulness to show you care. And by making sure that the gifts you give are used, you also help minimize holiday waste.

How to find gifts they’ll use

  • ​​Merry list-mas! Keep a running list of gift ideas on your phone and listen for hints throughout the year. You will be set up for success by the time you start shopping.
  • Ask directly. Ask the people you give gifts to what they want. If that feels too forward, look into their hobbies and interests, or ask someone close to them for ideas.
  • Respect their wishes. If someone says they don’t want anything this year, honour that.
  • Pool resources. Know what they want but it’s too pricey? Consider coordinating with friends to contribute towards one meaningful gift instead of several gifts.
  • Shared experiences. When in doubt, consider giving the gift of quality time together. Explore memorable experiences with options in every price range​ .
  • ​Include a gift receipt. If your gift doesn’t hit the mark, they can exchange it for something they want.
  • Give useful gift cards. Before you purchase a gift card, ask your recipient or someone close to them who their favourite vendors are.​
  • Give an act of service. Know someone who could use help? Give them a voucher for your services, like babysitting, updating a resume, or gardening.

How to start a new holiday tradition

  • Start a group chat. Start a conversation with family or friends in the fall about gift-giving plans. Consider introducing a low-waste theme, such as giving only consumable or secondhand gifts that year, or planning a shared activity instead.
  • Organize a gift exchange game. Initiate a Secret Santa game to reduce the number of gifts your need to buy. Many apps allow you to draw a random name and access their wish list. You’ll know who you’re buying for and what to get, but your identity will remain a fun mystery — unless your recipient can guess it right on Christmas!

What to get for an office gift exchange

  • Choose easy crowd-pleasers. Gift cards or shareable holiday treats are great options when you are unsure of someone’s preferences. Avoid gifts that require a specific style, hobbies, or interests.

How to get a gift you want

  • Write down what you want.​ If you think of something that you would like, write it down so that you have ideas ready when someone asks for your wish list.
  • Share your wish list. Communicate your gift preferences to friends and family. If that feels too direct, offer hints — like mentioning your new gardening hobby and need for basic supplies.
  • Use the cloud. Keep a running wish list in a notes app on your phone, and share it with close friends or family members. Then when it’s time to get you a gift, they already have a list of what you want. Ask you friends and family to share their list with you, too.
  • Opt-out gracefully. If you prefer not to give or receive gifts this year, let potential gift-givers know as soon as possible. If they insist, a donation to a charity of your choice is an option.

Once you have prepared your plans, explore over 200 low-waste gift ideas, with options for every budget. Happy gifting!​

Find gift ideas​

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